Development of professionally significant physical qualities for efficient performance in extreme conditions
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp.91-92
UDC 796.012.1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.G. Shil'ko1
Dr.Phyl., Professor E.V. Galazhinskiy1
E.S. Potovskaya1
Dr.Med. T.A. Shil'ko1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
The paper contains results of the pilot study, which was conducted at the Physical Education Department of National Research Tomsk State University and addressed the problem of stress tolerance of the human body to different activities under extreme conditions. The study of the applied professional physical training process of specialists in various activity areas performed under stressful conditions, revealed physical qualities which influence success in professional problem solving. With this goal in view the authors developed a special technique of development of professionally significant physical qualities using team sports and overall conditioning. The efficiency of the proposed method was evaluated based on the results of routine tests of the initial and final levels of students' physical fitness using nine tests. Based on the experimental results a baseline physical education pattern was determined and recommend for inclusion in the specialist training program for those, who work under prolonged stress.
Keywords: stress tolerance, stress exposure, professionally significant physical qualities, practical professional physical training.
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Received 30.03.2016 г.