Technical and tactical performance excelling process in elite sambo




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp. 79-80

UDC 796.092

Postgraduate E.M. Nasyrova1
Head coach of the Russian national Sambo team E.G. Nasyrov1
1Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow


Objective of the research was to develop and substantiate a methodology to enhance the technical and tactical performance of elite sambo wrestlers on the basis of regulation of emotion control.
60 sambo wrestlers aged 18 to 24 years were surveyed, including 5 Honoured Masters of Sport, 6 world-class athletes, 8 Masters of Sport, 41 Candidates for Master of Sport. The two groups were formed: study and reference, 30 people each. With the same intensity of training sessions reference and study groups differed in selection of teaching methods. When excelling their technical and tactical skills of sambo wrestlers training of the reference group was implemented with the use of individual correction methods. So, there were created individual plans to master combinations of technical and tactical actions based on personal characteristics, including simulation of competition conditions and improvement of certain individual aspects of fitness of sambo wrestlers.
There were determined techniques for improvement the training process of elite sambo wrestlers in view individual characteristics of the athletes and regulation of their emotional states.
The authors defined the efficiency of the methodology of technical and tactical actions in elite sambo wrestlers on the basis of control of emotional states.
The studies have shown that the methodology of technical and tactical actions used in training of elite sambo wrestlers on the basis of control of emotional states contributes to an improvement of technical performance of sambo wrestlers.

Keywords: efficiency of throw performance, technical and tactical training, emotion control.


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Received 18.04.2016 г.