Innovative all-rounder training technology within annual microcycle




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp. 68-71

UDС 796.015.12 

PhD V.V. Efimov1
PhD, Professor A.N. Sharipov1
Head of the department of physical training and sports O.B. Ryzhak1
1Perm Military Institute of Internal Troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Perm


Nowadays there is a growing need of a professional service-oriented physically fit serviceman with harmoniously developed physical and profession-oriented abilities capable of performing different physical exercises, special actions and motions at a high level. Thus, the objective of our research was to develop the technology of a professional service-oriented physical fitness program for a one-year micro cycle combined with some innovation training methods and techniques and a simulator. Two groups of cadets – players of the military institute combined team participated in the experiment, each group numbering 10 servicemen who had no statistically proved differences at the beginning of the experiment. Theoretical and empirical research methods were used; the results obtained were to show the effectiveness of the technology designed by the author. The experimentally developed technology of professional service-oriented sport training stimulates cadets' activity intended to improve efficiency of their physical perfection that influences positively their physical fitness and contributes to carrying out general duties of service combat activities.
Keywords: physical and service-oriented fitness, cadets, sport training, professional activity, shooting simulator.


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Received 28.01.2016 г.