Development of motor competences in technologization of training process of university powerlifting team




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp. 61-64 

UDC 796.012.1

PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Chesnokov1
A.D. Fenzel'1
1National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk


Objective of the research was to improve the process of development of motor competences of Tomsk Polytechnic University students, members of the national powerlifting team. The contingent of subjects was represented by Tomsk Polytechnic University students aged 18-22 years, first class to candidate for master of sports - CMS (study group), and Tomsk State Pedagogical University students of the same age (reference group). The experiment was conducted from November 2014 through April 2015. The results confirmed the efficiency of the author's conceptual model of motor competence development and technology of its implementation in the training process, based on the application and the optimal combination of pedagogical, psychological and physiological methods of influence and control, which resulted in a significant increase in the level of strength-speed abilities of the subjects.

Keywords: conceptual model, educational system, motor competences, students, powerlifting.


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Received 31.03.2016 г.