Role and importance of sport within legal dimension of modern welfare state




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp. 52-54

UDC 796:34

PhD E.V. Aristov
Perm State National Research University, Perm


The article explores the role and importance of sport within the legal dimension of a modern welfare state. The author concludes that a sports-supportive legal doctrine – that needs to be developed in opinion of many analysts – may never be fully effective unless based on the role and importance of sport being duly recognized and addressed by the legal system of a modern welfare state. The article considers correlations of the imperative issues that come to the forefront when the social mission of state on the whole and its sports sector in particular is established on the relevant constitutional and legal fundamentals. Much attention is given to the key issues with concern to the role and importance of sport within the legal framework of a modern welfare state in the context of the sports development matters being aligned in correlation with the social mission of state. The author states and proves that sport helps mobilize certain integrative-genetics and integrative-capacity related resources or, to put it in other words, employ the valuable people’s (and communal) integration potential and thereby contribute to the social solidarity culture development process. Furthermore, the article describes different aspects, qualities and manifestations of a sports culture that by definition fall within the scope of values of a welfare state and, hence, are highly meaningful for the sport sector being placed among the top priorities of the welfare state. The author comes to conclusion that modern sports are so diverse and adaptable today that it is not a big problem – in view of the increasing emphasis being made on the social mission of state – to have the sport sector duly integrated into the top priority domains of social state. Special attention in this process needs to be given only to the efforts to build into the “reference frame” those aspects of sport culture that are most relevant to the missions of a welfare state.

Keywords: sports, sport law, welfare state, sociality of state, sports state policy, constitutional law, social values, solidarity .


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Received 05.02.2016 г.