Public management risks in sports




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp. 49-51

UDC 796.658

Dr.Hab., Professor I.V. Ponkin1
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor O.A. Shevchenko1
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor M.A. Lapina2
Ph.D. A.I. Ponkina1
1Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MGYuA), Moscow
2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


The article considers the risks of public management policies and practices in sports. Every issue of the public management risks in sport sector is of high interest today for the sport science and communities due to both the special aspects of this management domain and to the top priority these matters have been given to in the last few years. The study offers a classification of the public management risks in sports on different grounds and provides rationale for the risk classification system. Overview of the public management risks for the sport sector is given including the foreign policy related risks; corruption and economic crime related risks; public management inefficiency and mismanagement risks; reputational risks; natural calamities and manmade disasters related risks – including, among other things, the public sport asset damage risks. Subject to special consideration in the article are the origins of sport-specific public management risks and a variety of infrastructural risks for the government agencies in the sport infrastructure development projects.
Public management agencies in charge of the national sport sector have to face multiple risks of different origins and effects in their operations. Specific risks of the sport sector public management domain are largely due to both the specifics of the subject area of such management and the management activity specifics per se, i.e. the sector-specific management challenges.

Keywords: sport, sport laws, sport specifics, public management in sport sector, risks, contingencies, risk management in sport sector.


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Received 30.03.2016 г.