Impacts of professional physical loads in at women's sports on concentration of macro- and micro-elements in some bioindicative media




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp.45-48

UDC 612.616.766.796:612.015.3

PhD, Associate Professor I.P. Zaytseva1
Dr.Med., Professor, Academician of RAS N.A. Aghajanyan2
Dr.Med., Professor A.V. Skalny1
Dr.Med., Professor A.A. Nikonorov3
PhD, Associate Professor O.N. Zaytsev4
P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl
1Russian Peoples' Friendship University, Moscow
2Orenburg State Medical University, Orenburg
3Yaroslavl State Technical University, Yaroslavl


Objective of the study was to profile the sport physical workloads in the female student-athletes versus the blood/ blood serum elementary compositions. Subject to the study were 43 female student-athletes of 18-22 years of age engaged in variable-intensity sports at the Yaroslavl State Technical University named after P.G. Demidov. Nexion 300D+NWR213 (made by Perkin Elmer, the USA) Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) was used to make elemental analysis of the bio-substrates. The test results of the two subject bio-substrates were compared to identify non-specific variations of mineral metabolism with the physical workloads. The study data demonstrates the blood serum elemental profiles being more sensitive to the sportswomen’s workloads than that of the whole blood. It was demonstrated that the blood serum content variations of calcium, cobalt, potassium and selenium may be used as biomarkers of the workload intensities going beyond the body adaptive capabilities and, hence, as predictors of the growing risk of injuries and cardiovascular and immune system disorders. Therefore, the blood serum elemental profiling procedures may be recommended as beneficial for the professional athletes’ and physical cultural activists’ health assessment and monitoring practices.

Keywords: macro- and micro elements, whole blood, blood serum, sports, female athletes, physical loads


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Received 28.02.2016 г.