Elite athletes' functional state determinants




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp. 33-34

UDC 796.01:612

Dr.Med. E.R. Yashina1
Dr.Med. V.A. Kurashvili1
Dr.Med., Professor P.S. Turzin1
1Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports of the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation, Moscow

e-mail: kurashvili@list.ru

The adaptation and recovery processes of elite cross-country skiers (men and women) were studied three times in an annual training cycle. The methods applied included electrocardiogram recording and the method of standby diagnostics of body's functional state using "Simona 111" integrated monitoring system intended to provide a complex, at the same time, objective, noninvasive evaluation of the performance of the central and peripheral hemodynamics, oxygen transport and consumption, respiration, body temperature, metabolism and central and autonomic nervous system performance. As a result, the integral indicators of body's functional state and adaptive capabilities were substantiated including cardiac capacity, integral balance and adaptive capability indicators.

Keywords: body's functional state, adaptive capability, athletes, indicators.


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Received 01.04.2016 г.