University implementation of "3+" FSES for physical education




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp.12-14

UDC 796.011

PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Vengerova1
PhD, assistant professor L.V. Lyuik1
PhD, assistant professor O.E. Piskun1
1Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg


The Physical Education discipline remains an integral part of the educational process, but undergoes a change in the content of the mandatory and variative (elective course) parts of it, which requires finding innovative technologies in teaching the Physical Education discipline.
Data analysis shows that in the changed socio-economic conditions for the new federal state educational standard can be implemented only in case of reform in the university physical education system, with an emphasis being made on the formation of pupils' motivation to physical exercises as a means of rehabilitation, prevention of numerous diseases and introduction into healthy lifestyle.
Owing to changes in the content of the university federal educational standards, and the 3+ federal state educational standard in particular, allow the Physical Education teacher can be creative when addressing pedagogical issues and use exercises from health and fitness technologies, which are most often implemented in the fitness industry.

Keywords: educational process design, competency, physical fitness, sports and health technology.


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Received 24.03.2016 г.