Relation of weight and athletic performance in kettlebell lifting
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2016, pp. 77-78
UDC 796.092
Professor, PhD L.L. Tsypin1
Associate Professor, PhD I.E. Barnikova1
Professor, Dr.Hab. A.V. Samsonova1
Professor, Dr.Hab. G.P. Vinogradov1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Objective of the work was to justify a possible variant of weight categories in kettlebell lifting, based on the statistical analysis of the results of men's performances at major national competitions. Processed were more than 6,300 results in the snatch and clean and jerk combination with 32 kg dumbbells in long jerk shown by athletes of class I and higher from 2010 to 2016. The analysis revealed a growth trend in the results with an increase in the weight of athletes. The difference in the results decreases with the transition from light to heavier weight categories. In the snatch and clean and jerk combination the results differed insignificantly in the related weight categories of 85 and 95 kg, 95 and 95+ kg, and in long jerk - in categories 73 and 78 kg, 85 and 95kg , 95 and 95+ kg. On the basis of the data the researchers provided a possible variant of weight categories for kettlebell lifters: below 63, 68, 78 and over 78 kg. In the proposed variant results in all related weight categories differed significantly and the difference was about the same. The limits of the weight categories were close to the currently accepted ones.
Keywords: kettlebell lifting, weight categories, statistical analysis of results.
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Received 29.08.2016 г.