Analysis of world records in track running events in context of bioenergetics processes
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2016, pp. 72-74
UDC 796.092
Associate Professor, Dr. Hab. S.N. Litvinenko1
L.A. Golikov1
I.M. Lyatina1
A.A. Mitrofanov1
A.D. Petrov1
1Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow
Objective of the study was to apply a set of mathematical methods of statistics to find regularities in the world records in the track running events in the context of leading bioenergetics processes including the creatine phosphate, glycolytic, mixed aerobic-anaerobic and aerobic ones. The world records in 12 track running events (232 records in total) formally registered by IAAF since 1975 were used for the purposes of the retrospective analysis under the study. The study found that it is the mixed aerobic-anaerobic events group including 1500 m, 1600 m and 3000 m hurdle races that shows the most consistent structure of the world records. This group reveals the tightest and most versatile connections between the different world record criteria, whilst the world records in the other bioenergetics groups were found less predictable.
Keywords: world records, bioenergetics processes, human capacity limits, competitive sports, track running events.
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Received 27.06.2016 г.