Child's intellectual development during music motor activities
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2016, pp. 62-64
UDC 796.011.3
Professor, Dr.Hab. N.A. Fomina1
Associate Professor, Dr.Hab. S.Y. Maksimova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.P. Propisnova1
1Volgograd State Physical Education Academy, Volgograd
Every parent wants to see his/her child in the future as an intelligent and educated person. But not every adult understands that intellectual development begins in the first days of life. Therefore, early and preschool age are particularly important in developing the qualities that are so essential for children’s mental activities such as attention, memory and thinking. Well-known scientists in the field of pedagogics believe that the child’s motor activities from birth to school are the basis of his/her intellectual development. While the child is acquiring new motor and fine-motor skills the functional improvement of the brain takes place, which is substantially complete by the age of 6-7 years. The lag in the motor sphere entails a slowdown in intellectual development. Consequently, physical education is an essential component of preschool child’s education. Objective of the paper was to determine the characteristics of the intellectual sphere of preschooler' mental development as a result of his/her involvement in music and motor activities. Analysis of experimental data has shown a positive trend in the development of attention, memory and thinking in children who practice rhythmic gymnastics, including those with mental retardation and general speech underdevelopment. Psychological mechanisms of the musical movement impact on the child's development are considered. Numerous studies conducted in general education kindergartens of Volgograd and Togliatti revealed some patterns in the manifestation of mental processes in children practicing plot-role-playing rhythmic gymnastics. More positive changes occurred in the area of intellectual development, which are directly related to cognitive processes such as attention, memory and thinking itself The research findings suggest the significant impact of music motor activities on the intellectual sphere of preschooler’s mental development and necessitates the use of rhythmic gymnastics, dance, and other means of music motor physical education in preschool educational institutions.
Keywords: preschool children, intelligence, music motor activity.
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Received 12.05.2016 г.