Competitive wrestling as priority research subject for research education school of P.F. Lesgaft National State University
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2016, pp. 16-19
UDC 796.011
Professor, Dr.Hab., Honored Master of Sport, three-time Olympic champion A.A. Karelin1
Postgraduate, three-time Olympic champion A.B. Tajmazov1
Professor, Dr.Hab., Honored coach of Russia B.I. Tarakanov1
Professor, PhD R.N. Apoiko1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
The article gives an overview of the research education school establishment, formation and further development prospects under the Wrestling Theory and Practice Department of P.F. Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg. It lists the priority research thrusts for the school analysts as of now and gives an analysis of the competitive wrestling development trends in the modern Olympic movement. The competitive wrestling sport evolution and development prospects analysis demonstrates that this sport discipline holds descent positions and shows good progress.
Keywords: research education school, wrestling, Olympic movement, trend, study, priority subjects, analysis, Olympics, medal.
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Received 10.06.2016 г.