Theoretical aspects of due motivations for physical recreation being cultivated



PhD Y.E. Gudkov
PhD N.V. Mazitova
PhD O.V. Gorbunova
PhD V.V. Pavlovskiy

Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

The article considers the psychological and educational aspects of physical recreation process from the activation-centred standpoint. We have analyzed available reference literature to clarify and specify in detail the people’s motivations for motor activity to develop and demonstrate a frame physical recreation model that makes it possible to understand the mechanism of the stable motivations for organized motor activity being formed.
Studies and analyses of the physical recreation related processes will be focused on the needs- and activation-centred aspects. It should be noted that it is the motivation- and needs-focused domain of a personality that plays a key role in any motor activity. A major educational goal of a physical education process is to “shift the motivation on the target” i.e. help apply the external motivation (for success) on the specific internal motivation (for enjoying the process of physical practices). It is based on the motor-activity-driving motivation mechanisms that we can develop a motivations-integrating-and-control educational technology catering for the motivations related to satisfaction from the activity and the success-focused motivations.

Keywords: physical recreation, motivations for activity, objective-means-success, motor activity.


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