Special physical training system for students combining kendo sport with academic education
Postgraduate K.A. Minchenkov
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.V. Ponomarev
Siberian State Technological University, Krasnoyarsk
Presently the leading analysts recognize the need for the university students being additionally motivated for sports by a variety of incentives including that for non-traditional sports on the whole and Japanese kendo martial art in particular. Objective of the study was to provide a theoretical substantiation for the structure and content of a special physical training system designed for the students combining kendo sport with the academic education and test the system through an educational experiment. The experiment was performed at Siberian State Technological University, Krasnoyarsk and involved 80 first-year students. The author presents in the article the theoretical grounds and practices of the programmatic support for the special physical training system designed for the students combining the kendo sport with the academic education with the relevant progress control and performance correction tools; practical recommendations on the kendo-mastering students’ special physical fitness development in an annual training cycle. The study results may be applied as the practical guidelines for the program designs in a variety of other untraditional sport disciplines followed by their cultivation in the modern university students’ physical education process.
Keywords: university students, special physical training, kendo.
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