Children's conditional physical fitness variations in primary school period
Honourary Figure of Physical Culture, Professor, Dr.Hab. L.A. Semenov
Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
The article analyzes the children’s conditional physical fitness variations in the primary school period (1-4 year), with more than 80 thousand pupils being subject to the study. The study found most of the entrants to the first grade being tested with the low conditional physical fitness levels. Furthermore, the study showed that, for the four years at school, the headcounts of the children tested with the low-developed physical qualities either stay the same (e.g. endurance rates in the boys and girls and strength rates in the boys) or fall insignificantly (like the flexibility and speed-strength rates).
The study findings are indicative of a serious problem faced in the Federal State Education Standards implementation process with concern to the due harmonic succession in the pre-school and primary/ basic school physical education to secure the children’s conditional physical fitness, with the relevant cardinal improvements in the pre-school and primary school physical education system.
Keywords: conditional physical fitness, variations, primary school education period, Federal State Education Standards, succession.
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