Changes in requirement to physical education and sports sector personnel
Associate Professor, PhD N.V. Stetsenko
Associate Professor, PhD E.A. Shirobakina
Associate Professor, PhD M.N. Sandirova
Associate Professor, PhD I.V. Lushchik
Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd
The article considers and analyzes the valid legal and regulatory provisions setting requirements to and responsibilities of the physical education and sports sector management and service personnel. The authors note the need in the existing staff qualification system being reformed to secure transition to the new professional standards; list the key differences of the professional standards from the valid qualification requirements; and describe the new structure of the relevant regulatory documents. They make a special emphasis on the problem of the physical culture and sport university graduates’ professional skills falling short of the employers’ requirements – and this is the main reason to underline the need in the relevant Federal Higher Education Standards being revised.
Keywords: professional standard, job responsibilities, certification, physical education and sports sector personnel, higher education.
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