University students' sport orientation in academic sport-centered physical education process



Associate Professor, PhD N.V. Peshkova
Surgut State University, Surgut

The article explores the matters of the university students’ sport orientation from the author’s viewpoint on the informed and conscious selection of university sport by the first-year students being pivotal both for their self-fulfilment in the physical education and sport domain for the whole academic education period and for their further physical self-improvement for the rest of their lives. Objective of the study was to analyze the efficiency of the first-year students sport orientation system based on a set of institutional and practical actions to help the students make an informed and conscientious choice of a sport within the academic physical education curriculum.
The study was performed at the premises of Surgut State University in the period of 2014-16. Subject to the questionnaire surveys at different stages of the study were more than 2500 first- and second-year university students majoring in different bachelor training disciplines.
The study data and analyses proved the sport orientation system newly implemented at the University being efficient. Some 85% of the students surveyed reported being happy with how their expectations were met by the chosen academic sport activity; and more than 94% were found fully satisfied with the academic physical education process organization and management system. 

Keywords: sport organization, university students, sport-centred physical education.


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