History of physical culture and sport complex "Ready for labour and defence" (GTO) in Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and its implementation prospects
A.V. Cherkashin1
A.V. Bryzgalov2
1Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of North-Eastern Federal University n.a. M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk
2State budgetary institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Management of physical culture and sport", Yakutsk
The article considers the Physical Culture and Sport Complex “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) re-introduced in the country by the Presidential Decree of 2014 with the main emphasis on the GTO history in the Soviet period and with the eye on the past models being applied as prototypes and prerequisites for the modern GTO version under implementation in the Russian Federation acting as a successor of the USSR. The study considers the GTO role in the past and present social life; some physical education advancement matters; and analyzes the objectives, missions and first accomplishments in the process of the GTO Complex being newly implemented all over the Russian Federation.
By reviving the GTO Complex, the government of the Russian Federation strives to meet its constitutional liability to protect the lawful rights of citizens, particularly the fundamental human right for health protection and improvement – being fully aware of the fact that a person going in for sports maintains good physical and mental health keeping “healthy spirit in healthy body”. The systemic and popular efforts to get ready for the GTO tests will help find new ways to solve the problem of the young people’s health improvement in the country.
Keywords: GTO Complex, physical culture and sports, physical education, state, patriotism.
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