School physical education in context of system-activity approach
Professor, PhD A.M. Tikhonov
Associate Professor, PhD T.A. Polyakova
Associate Professor, PhD D.D. Kechkin
Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm
Objective of the study was to explore content of physical education as a school subject in the context of the Federal Educational Standards (FES) implementation process. Within this logic, physical education will be viewed as a system of the author’s consistent and interrelated actions to design, execute, measure out, control and reflex the effects of an exercise on his/ her own personality. An objective of the educational physical culture will be to help the trainees master the system of physical education methods to guarantee the physical exercises being later on applied on a self-reliant basis to meet the individual demands for good health, high motor qualities, harmonic physique, good leisure etc. To put it in other words, it should help the trainee evolve to a creator of his/ her own mental and physical good health based on the personal physical culture background. Therefore, personal physical culture may be defined as the competent mastery in applying physical exercises to purposefully modify the individual mental and physical condition.
Keywords: school subject, physical education, school, Federal Educational Standard, physical education activity.
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