Personality-centered physical culture formation technology: distance physical education and health support format for university students of special health departments



D.A. Ul'yanov
Professor, Dr.Hab. T.G. Kovalenko
Volgograd State University, Volgograd

Keywords: special health department, distance education, distance physical culture and health improvement support, self-reliant physical culture and health improvement activity.

Background. The initiatives to develop and implement efficient physical education methods in application to students of special health departments have faced a variety of serious challenges recently. It is the education individualizing technologies that are commonly viewed as one of the ways to solve the problems of physical education of the university students diagnosed with health impairments. The distance physical education and health support method based on the relevant theoretical and practical interaction modules, tests, progress control and rating systems and the relevant methodological and practical recommendations that we offer herein may be among the ways to individualize the physical education system in application to the special health department students. The new education technology based on this method not only provides the guiding content of the physical education lectures and practical sessions, but creates a facilitating environment for the self-reliant (off-class) learning of the education materials by the students with due allowance made for their health conditions.

Objective of the study was to design a personal physical culture formation technology for the university students of special health departments in the distance physical education and health support format.

Methods and structure of the study. The study was performed in a phased manner at the Physical Education and Health Improvement Technologies Department of Volgograd State University in the period of 2007-15. The personal physical culture formation technology for the university students of special health departments in the distance physical cultural and health support format was designed based on a modular concept, i.e. composed of the following modules that differ in contents and educational procedures:

  • Module 1: Active motivation for health self-control activity (Semester 1);
  • Module 2: Self-reliant physical education and health improvement education and self-control system (Semester 2);
  • Module 3: Physical-culture-driven personality formation (Semesters 3-4); and
  • Module 4: Correctional and supporting physical education and health improvement activity (Semesters 5–6).

Each of the modules includes, in its turn, the relevant theoretical and practical information sub-modules and progress rating sub-module. Learning process in every module geared to attain three goals of the student’ personal physical culture formation was individualized to the maximum possible extent, with the following action components in the process:

  • Identify and articulate the individual problems in the student’s personal physical culture formation process;
  • Spell out the individual goals and tasks;
  • Put together the content and sequence of the cooperative actions by the educator and student; 
  • Develop and implement a set of educational tools for the physical education and health improvement activity;
  • Carry out the educational procedures;
  • Obtain the process performance data and rate the progress;
  • Identify the necessary corrective actions (by priorities and contents) to improve the student’s physical education process; and 
  • Provide due methodological and practical recommendations to the student.

Study results and discussion. Based on the above concept, we developed a design algorithm for the academic and self-reliant learning process to help the relevant physical education and health improvement knowledge and skills being mastered by students in a phased manner within the guiding methodological requirements to the self-reliant learning and health condition self-control requirements (see Figure 1). The learning process algorithm provides a strict succession of the cooperative actions by the educator and student in the distance education format. The algorithm makes it possible to build up an efficient individual physical education and health improvement program with due allowance for the student’s health condition.

Figure 1. Learning process algorithm for the process actions/ operations by the educator and the special health department student to design the individual academic and off-class studies.

The progress control and rating component of the new education technology is based on the newly developed personal physical culture rating system, the progress rates being designed to motivate the students for the self-reliant and systemic physical education and health improvement activity. The personal physical culture development rating system is designed to rate the trainee’s progress in the Physical Education discipline using a 100-point rating scale. A student’s academic progress is rated as “satisfactory” by at least 61 points scored; “good” by at least 76 points; and “excellent” by at least 91 point scored. The distance progress rating format (with the relevant computer software being applied) of the rating system makes it possible for the student to score the deficient points to pass the test in the subject discipline. Therefore, a student of the special health department may improve his/ her academic progress rates by the off-class learning of the theoretical and practical materials with the relevant theoretical and practical tests being passed and scored.

The process component of the new education technology includes four stages: motivation, expert design, implementation and reflexion stages.

The motivation stage of the process is designed to give background knowledge of the physical education and health improvement activity, explain its importance and develop a cognitive interest in the students to the subject.

The expert design stage of the process is meant to select the relevant physical education and health improvement tools and put them together in the individual academic and off-class physical development program. This work will be performed through the distance cooperation of teachers with students with an emphasis on the self-reliant activity of the trainees. It is at this stage that the teachers and physicians develop the individualized physical education and health improvement activity programs customized for the students’ health conditions, with the necessary corrections being made in the process.

The implementation stage of the process is designed to include the theoretical and practical learning components/ sub-stages. The theoretical and practical learning components are designed to develop the key knowledge base, motor skills and techniques for the physical education and health improvement process; develop the ability to analyze and rate own physical education and health improvement progress; find drawbacks in the individual physical education and health improvement programs; and make necessary corrections to the latter.

The reflexion stage of the process is designed to help the students form the skill to analyze and rate their own physical education and health improvement progress (with an emphasis on the process goals, senses and implementation ways) and report the process results; and, based on the analyses and rates, make their own corrections to the individual educational trajectories.

The technological operations and actions provided by the education process algorithm to attain the stage-specific goals need to be based on a good cooperation of subjects to the distance learning format. The new technology offers the following three domains for such cooperation: team cooperation of the students, educators and physicians; role-playing interactions with the subjects to professional activity; and the individualized interpersonal cooperation in the joint activity.

We designed the new technology implementation mechanism in the form of the information technology system that gives the means to put the theoretical and practical information provision and learning process on an automated basis; record the academic progress by the relevant progress control and rating procedures; and analyze and rate physical culture development progress of the students.

Conclusion. The newly developed personal physical culture formation technology for the university students of special health departments in the distance physical education and health support format was found efficient in developing the necessary physical education and health improvement knowledge and skills in the students. 


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The study explores the problem of the academic physical education process customizing for university students of special health departments. The study found the following problems in the personal physical culture formation process faced by the university students of special health departments: no opportunities for individualized practices customized for trainees diagnosed with health disorders/ impairments; poor motivation of the students for the physical education activity; poor motor activity; and the need in an adapted physical education and health knowledge base development system. The new personality-centered physical culture formation technologies implemented in the distance physical education and health improvement format in application to the university students of special health departments were designed to help solve the above and other problems.