Physical education and sports disciplines implementation within higher education institutions
Professor, Dr.Hab. L.B. Andryushchenko
Associate Professor, PhD S.V. Beletsky
E.Y. Vnukova
M.Y. Tochigin
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Keywords: higher education, disciplines related to physical education and sport, FSES 3+, preparedness to develop physical education, competences.
Introduction. In the conditions of modernization of educational institutions (unification) physical education departments become the largest in terms of the number of teaching and educational support staff as they provide educational services in the physical culture and sports sector for 90% of bachelor students (1-3 years of study) of full and part-time forms of education. 11250 students attend physical education lessons in Plekhanov Russian University of Economics: main educational division – 6 750 people; special educational division – 3 900; and sports educational division - 600. A large number of students results in some contradictions in planning of training sessions so the physical education lessons are scheduled on "left-over principle".
Objective of the study was to design a physical education and sports teaching process to make a future specialist psychophysically prepared within the FSES 3+ implementation.
Results and discussion. In the implementation of bachelor programs in "Physical Education and Sports" (FSES 3+) on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, the basic educational program, the bachelor's course curriculum, and schedule of the educational process, we created a special class schedule for the physical education department for efficient distribution of all students according to days (2 times a week), courses and faculties (Table 1).
Such an organization of student flows facilitates rational use of health-improving and competitive educational technologies taking into account students' age and gender characteristics, helps organize lectures (several groups together), seminars (in separate groups) and training sessions (in sub-groups) in various sports according to modern motor and health-improving systems and ensure continuity of didactic space in the course of modular education.
Table 1. Fragment of physical education and sports class schedule for students of the main and special educational divisions
Faculties |
Finance (FF) |
Mathematical Economics, Statistics and Informatics (FMESI) |
Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism and Sport Industry (HRTSI) |
Economics and Law (FEL) |
Management |
Marketing |
IBS-Plekhanov |
Applied Baccalaureate (FAB) |
Trade Economics and Commodity Science (FECS) |
Day and time of classes |
Monday Thursday |
8.30-10.00 |
FF 1/5 |
FMESI 1/12 |
FAB -1/3 |
10.10-11.40 |
FF 2/4 |
FMESI 2/13 |
FAB -2/3 |
11.50-13.20 |
FF 2/6 |
FMESI 2/12 |
FAB -3/4 |
14.00-15.30 |
FF 3/7 |
FMESI 3/12 |
15.40-17.10 |
FF 3/6 |
FMESI 3/10 |
Tuesday Friday |
8.30-10.00 |
HRTSI 1/10 |
FEL -1/12 |
FECS -1/9 |
10.10-11.40 |
HRTSI 2/5 |
FEL -2/6 |
FECS -2/9 |
11.50-13.20 |
HRTSI 2/5 |
FEL -2/6 |
FECS -3/12 |
14.00-15.30 |
HRTSI 3/7 |
FEL -3/12 |
FECS -4/5 |
15.40-17.10 |
HRTSI 3/7 |
FEL -3/12 |
We developed the following curricula of disciplines (modules):
Physical education and sports. Base unit. It includes 72 hours (2 credits) of lectures (16 hours) and seminars (56 hours) for first year students (1-2 semesters). The aim of the basic block - formation of knowledge and methodological skills for unassisted fitness sessions and participation in sport competitions. In case of modular organization of the educational process each module includes two lectures and seven seminars. Interactive learning technologies are implemented in the amount of 13.0% in the form of lectures and seminars with presentations, conferences, best article and scientific paper contests and consultations for students via email. Teaching material in the electronic format and uploaded to the University database includes: lectures, presentations, test questions, areas and subjects of reports for student scientific conference and video masterclasses. The monitoring of students' progress in the discipline (module) is conducted in the form of examination. The grades are entered into students' record-books in each semester.
Physical education and sports. Elective courses in different sports, modern motor and health-improving systems. It includes 328 hours of practical classes (training sessions) and test sessions (general physical fitness tests, etc.) during three years of study (1-6 semesters). The purpose of elective disciplines – formation of training skills and participation in competitions in various sports and areas of fitness, ensuring harmonious functional development and high physical fitness level, and professionally important individual socio-psychological qualities being developed. 12 modules (4 modules per year) include 12-14 classes. Students' progress in the modules is also controlled by means of examination. The grades are entered into students' record-books in each semester. Elective disciplines for part-time students are implemented at their request in their spare time at the University sports base. Students attend gyms, swimming pool, participate in competitions, scientific conferences, university volunteering program and have their physical fitness tested. Thus, total teaching load of the discipline (modules) "Physical education and sport" includes 400 hours for all full- and part-time bachelor courses.
Educational technologies were selected on the basis of development of professionally important personal qualities: attention, operational thinking, emotional stability, discipline, mental capacity, resistance to stress factors at work, ability to work individually and in a team, communication skills, mobility and ability to switch from one activity to another. Sport technologies are designed based on the principles of competitive activity and related training, students can choose sports on their own. Health-improving technologies and modern motor systems are primarily used for prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems and organs of vision (combined fitness programs such as stretching, callanetics, bodyflex, aquaerobics, therapeutic swimming and team sports).
The organization of physical training is distinguished by the applied differentiated approach with regard to gender, physical fitness level, health limitations and contraindications, and the number of students in a each group at a physical education class should not exceed 15 people. Therefore, the formation of educational divisions is important for the quality of the educational process. The educational divisions are formed based on the results of medical and pedagogical examinations and students' interests in specific types of physical education: main educational division - for students without health issues or with minor issues, having a sufficient physical fitness level (at least a "satisfactory" grade in the initial testing); special educational division - for people with health impairments. Students who are exempt from practical lessons due to health reasons for a long period of time also get into the special educational division in order to study sections of the curriculum suitable for them; sports educational division - for the students having a sport class and experience in a particular sport, with good general physical fitness and technical skills and who are willing to deepen their skills in a chosen sport and participate in competitions of various levels. Students are transferred from one educational division to another upon medical examination results any time during the academic year.
Here are the conditions required for the effective implementation of the "Physical education and sports" disciplines: highly skilled staff - head of the physical education department and its teachers made of specialists with higher professional education in the field of physical education, sport training and adaptive physical education; the system of integrated control (medical control - annual mandatory medical examination of students: in-depth medical examination of first year students; annual medical examination of all students starting from the second year and periodic examinations after illnesses); pedagogical control which is the testing of knowledge and a degree of development of basic motor qualities and competencies; the functional state self-control systems based on popular innovative technologies in sports – Nike running, Endomondo Sports Tracker, ABS Workout, Runtastic, Yoga+, etc.); and a sports training base (own or rented) with pool, billiards club, fight gym, regular gym and gyms for physical conditioning sessions, fitness room; the University also rents grounds for basketball, volleyball and football and an ice palace for hockey.
Conclusions. The proposed organization of the physical education and sports teaching process enabled us to obtain positive results:
- the discrepancies in planning of the educational process, assignment of students and teachers to sport facilities and determination of time quotas for independent training in the gyms were eliminated;
- students became more motivated to engage in academic and extracurricular training and participate in competitions, tests and research activities;
- the results of students improved from module to module (in the 2015-2016 academic year more than 80.0% of students passed the tests successfully).
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Abstract. The article presents the experience of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard 3+ (FSES 3+) on the disciplines related to physical culture and sports (38.03.01-Economics) in the period of modernization of higher education (unification of universities).
The described organization of the educational process in these disciplines produced good results. First, the FSES 3+ was fully implemented; second, the discrepancies in planning of the educational proc-ess, assignment of students and teachers to sport facilities and determination of time quotas for independ-ent training in the gyms were eliminated; third, students became more motivated to engage in academic and extracurricular training and participate in competitions, tests and research activities; fourth, the results of students improved from module to module (in the 2015-2016 academic year more than 80.0% of stu-dents passed the tests successfully); fifth, the number of students with "excellent", "good" and "satisfac-tory" grades increased to 94.0%, indicating a sufficiently high implementation of GC-8.