Minimization of social deformations in teenagers via physical education 



PhD E.S. Borisenkova
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Loginov
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk

Keywords: minimization, social deformations, means, teenagers, physical education.

Introduction. Adolescence is a multi-faceted period that is characterized by changes synthesizing previously formed features and still projected ones, sought by a teenager. According to A.A. Borshchevskiy, teenagers of this age rightly belong to “risk group” [3].

It should be noted that these changes are known new formations reflecting the content of a certain point of development. According to R.V. Ovcharova, in adolescence acquisitions consistently cover the four areas of development: physical, intellectual, psychological and social [6].

As shown in papers [1-7], the main new formations of teenagers in the intellectual area are the following: acquiring the ability to reason, abstract thinking formation. During socialization it is very common for a teenager to estrange himself from family values and get under the influence of a group of his peers. There a teenager is trying to think “differently” in order to acquire authority. In addition, new levels of self-consciousness and self-appraisal are formed in this period. It should be noted that hormonal changes also entail a number of new formations. Formation of attitudes to one’s body, love, family, etc takes place.       

Considering adolescence as one of the crisis stages of personality development of a secondary school child, we should note that it is quite difficult from a psychological point of view. It is at this age that wanton manifestations of aggression towards others are observed in schoolchildren. Therefore, it is especially important to find the ways to minimize social deformations of various kinds, the ways of emotional and physical “release” for teenagers and their involvement in socially meaningful activity. Observations and educational work experience show that academic and extracurricular physical education activities are very important for solving these issues.

Objective of the research was to theoretically substantiate the pedagogical conditions of minimizing social deformations of teenagers by means of physical education.   

Research method and organization. The research was conducted at the premises of the Department of Pedagogics of Ural State University of Physical Culture. Secondary schools № 56 and № 59 of the city of Chelyabinsk served as experimental platforms for testing the methods of minimizing social deformations of teenagers by means of physical education.   

Research results and discussion. Social deformations are negative changes in the development of social relations and structures. For today the feelings of excessive anxiety and aggression, as negative changes, are quite pronounced among schoolchildren of various ages. The children of today are prone to critical perception of this or that situation and enter the crisis stages we are used to single out a little bit earlier. Aggressive behavior is one of the forms of response to various life situations adverse in terms of their physical or mental aspects that cause stress, frustration and similar states. 

Aggressive actions, as shown in the monograph of A.Y. Nayn, serve as a means of achieving some meaningful goal, a psychological outlet technique, a method of meeting the need for self-realization and self-affirmation, etc [5].

During overt observations it was found that middle-level pupils do not only demonstrate signs of asocial behavior but also those of antisocial behavior characterized by purposeful antisocial consciousness and behavior. Teenagers are potential but very likely due to age specific borderline psychological states and character accentuations victims that get into countercultural organizations. 

Focusing on the social deformations of schoolchildren of today, we have identified the most common ones: inability to accept living principles of the society, avoidance of parental care, full or partial denial of family and other values, desire to create groups with pseudo ideals, manifestation of aggression that cannot be logically accounted for, inability to build up relationship with others, bad habits formation, avoidance of real life by using modern means of communication. We have determined that all these take place due to an increased level of anxiety which manifests itself in conditions that do not threaten the life of a teenager; growth of aggressiveness that is physiologically accounted for; in case of inflated or low self-esteem of a school child; in case of violations in the sphere of representativeness; due to loss of control over a teenager by the family; when there is a desire for individualization; in case of developed “sense of adulthood”; in case of imposing on the youth solutions by force in situations of conflict; in case of reduced physical activity; in case of being not ready to defend one’s standpoint in a civilized way; in case of increased suggestibility; when being unable to filter information from the standpoint of morality [2].

Psychological and educational means as well as personality impact techniques should be used to mitigate these social pathologies. Practice shows that physical education is an effective one among them. It is not only recognized as a means of physical development of an individual, but is also geared to form personal qualities from the standpoint of realization of the humanistic function of the sphere of sports and education.

It is our own teaching experience confirmed by studies of other scientists that is significant for us in this matter: effectiveness of the process of reducing aggressiveness (as a manifestation of social deformations) of those trained during physical education classes is provided by means of the following:  

– humanely oriented approach should be fundamental at physical education classes;

– two components should be present in the organization of physical education classes: motor and psychological training of the pupils (with a view of creating a sustainable motivation for systematic physical activity);

– psychological training should be primarily aimed at building willpower, endurance, self-control and self-adjustment of mental state [4, 7].

As rightly noted by V.A. Kurentsov, A.A. Artamonov and E.I. Perova, attention switch from one activity to another, creation of a positive educational situation and encouragement at the moments of failure should be used as the main methods of correction of psycho-emotional state of students during physical education classes to reduce the excessive level of anxiety [4]. According to the authors, in the context of prevention of aggressive behavior of teenagers it is necessary to involve them in learning new exercises, relay races and tests; to create situations of failure; to suspend them from classes; to talk to them focusing on the positive aspects of the personality of pupils.  

Based on these provisions and our own teaching experience, we have developed a physical education lesson geared to minimize social deformations in teenagers.

The lesson content’s targeted focus was on the realization of the maximum concentration of the adolescents’ attention while performing exercises, and, consequently, on the physical and emotional “release”. In addition, it promotes the formation of an adequate self-esteem of adolescents, their willingness to work as a team, improvement of the level of personal importance, ability to realize themselves in the society, building moral and volitional qualities.  

The research tested and endorsed that physical education lessons created on the basis of the declared principles should be conducted in cycles. In addition, they should be included in extracurricular recreational and sport activities.

Conclusions. Adverse changes in physical, intellectual, psychological and social spheres are the most common forms of personal deformations of teenagers. These transformations are quite strongly connected. Involvement of teenagers in sport and educational environment and creation of conditions for correction of their psycho-emotional state serve as effective means of minimizing their social deformations.    


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The article describes new personality formations characteristic of teenagers of today. The reasons for social deformations of children in their early teens (12-13 years old) are detected. The essence of aggressive behavior of adolescent schoolchildren is revealed. The importance of physical education in dealing with adolescents with signs of aggressiveness is shown. The content of a physical education lesson for 7th-graders solving the issues of optimizing the level of anxiety and reducing pupils’ aggressiveness resulting from manifestation of social deformations is presented. Methods and techniques of working with teenagers during academic and extracurricular sports activities are described.