Physical education and sport faculty student training to promote patriotism among rising generation



Professor, Dr.Hab. M.M. Shubovich
Professor, Dr.Biol. N.A. Ilyina
Associate Professor, PhD L.N. Belonogova
Associate Professor, PhD N.N. Belukhina
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University n.a. I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

Keywords: patriotic education, civism, duty, university student training, physical education and sport, promotion of patriotism, patriotic consciousness, accomplishments of prominent athletes, sport training.

Introduction. Russian society of today is undergoing serious changes that indicate the growing importance of social and political institutions putting forward qualitatively new development priorities, which can be successfully solved thorough understanding of all that is happening by the citizens of Russia, with a display of an active civic stand and their involvement in comprehensive activity in the interests of the society and the state.  

At the meeting with the winners of the “Teacher of the Year of Russia” contest in Sochi in 2015 V.V. Putin, the President of Russia, said that patriotism in the best, healthy sense of the word should serve as a moral guide for the Russian youth, that love for one’s Motherland should be developed, and this task falls on the shoulders of educators. All this suggests forming supreme spiritual and socially important values in the Russian citizens, and in particular in the rising generation, as well as such qualities as patriotism, civism, duty, responsibility for the destiny of one’s Motherland and readiness to defend it.   

The Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” states that sport and physical education have a tremendous educational potential and serve as a powerful mechanism in formation of such basic beliefs of a person as civism and patriotism owing to their specificity. Discipline and responsibility, civism and patriotism are the most outstanding and necessary qualities of Russian athletes that defend the honour of Russia at international tournaments of various levels. 

Objective of the research was to scientifically substantiate that the essence of patriotic education is the implementation of multifaceted, systematic and targeted educational activity aiming at formation in the citizens of patriotic feelings, high patriotic consciousness and feelings of loyalty to their country and small motherland, readiness to work for the good of their country and native land on the basis of ethnical, cultural, historical and socio-political characteristics of the region [3].

Educational institutions play a significant role in promoting patriotism where children and young people are being spiritually and morally developed and prepared for independent living. Being a patriot, an educator is also able to stir up love for the Motherland in his students [6].

A specific feature of physical education and sport faculty student training to promote patriotism among the rising generation is that it is a system consisting of two interconnected aspects – personal and professional [7]. The first of these is actually patriotic education of students as citizens of the Russian Federation, raising true patriots of their country, and the second is training students for patriotic education as future coaches and teachers; in this training process they are not only trained for effective independent teaching activities in this field of educational work, but also has an additional impact on their personal formation and development [1].

Research methods and structure. The experimental work of physical education and sport faculty student training to promote patriotism among the rising generation within the framework of the research was carried out in 2011-2015 and included three phases: motivation and values-related, theory-and-methodology-related and implementation phase. In total, subject to the empirical research were 157 students of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov (UlSPU n.a. I.N. Ulyanov), the physical education and sport department, aged 18-23, studying the “Physical Education/Health and Safety” course. The respondents were split into two groups: study (SG) and reference (RG). SG was divided into SG-1 (first year students) and SG-2 (second year students). Let us consider the results of the experimental work on the physical education and sport faculty student training to promote patriotism among the rising generation in more detail using both groups as examples. 

The goal of the motivation-and-values-related phase was to form motivation-and-value components of personal and professional aspects of the competency of students – future educators – for patriotic education, achieved by means of value self-determination technologies, discussions, public competitions dedicated to the memory of heroes who perished defending the interests of their Motherland, individual and group conversations during the training process and within specially organized conditions of business games and analysis of teaching situations simulating their future professional activity.

In patriotic education it is very important for students to learn about the accomplishments of prominent athletes of the region, trainers, World and European champions that justly make Ulyanovsk region and Russia proud of them. Among them Honoured coach of Russia and the USSR, Honoured Master of Sport, founder of the Dynamo school of Greco-Roman wrestling in Ulyanovsk A.I. Vinnik, Honoured Master of Sport, champion of the Summer Olympics in Seoul (1988) V. Krylov, World class athlete V. Lyuzhanova, R. Shagiev, O. Nazarkina, N. Kerimov and T. Egorova (track-and-field athletics), World champions: Honoured Master of Sport N. Afanassenko, World class athlete S. Naumov and V. Terekhov (ball hockey), V. Marinin, S. Prokhorov (swimming), L. Sivokon’, A. Nedel’ko, E. Shakirova, T. Vaganova, T. Varnavskaya and S. Ledyaeva (all-round sea), World class athletes and Honoured Masters of Sports in combat sports: World champion and Olympic champion in heavyweight boxing A. Lezin, winners of many national and international competitions, winners of world championships and Olympic Games in Greco-Roman wrestling, Honoured Masters of Sport N. In’kov, A. Zobkov, Z. Guliev, M. Elizariev and others, Goodwill Games champion, repeated champion of Russia, World class athlete in taekwondo N. Terekhina, Russian champion and Russian Olympic team member A. Artyukov (taekwondo) and others.

Accomplishments of the university students of the physical education and sport department of today are also important. They are the ones serving as examples for the rising generation: A. Malova (volleyball), I. Shpedt (Kudo), V. Ivanov (Greco-Roman wrestling), A. Konnov (Greco-Roman wrestling), Yu. Shopin (biathlon), M. Nosenko (swimming), A. Cheyran (kickboxing) and many others. 

Considerable place in training physical education and sport faculty students to promote patriotism among the rising generation belongs to activities of the UlSPU sport club which has been operating since 2012 and includes 15 departments specializing in various sports. In addition, it is a center of sport events held both for students and professional athletes: the annual interdepartmental Spartakiad, volleyball, basketball and football competitions, various combat sport tournaments. 

The goal of the theory-and-methodology-related phase was to form the cognitive (knowledge) component of personal and professional aspects of the students' competency. It included both compulsory and elective professional courses; practical training; writing term papers and graduation theses. The «Theory and methodology of education» section in the «Pedagogics» course helps to enrich the students’ knowledge of the theory of patriotic education, with a special emphasis on the method of using regional materials in this part of educational work [4, 5].

Practice shows that the «National active games» module has a lot of potential in the patriotic education, as games have a great impact on the training of mind, character building, will, develop moral feelings, strengthen the child physically, create a certain mood and develop the child’s interest in national folklore. Quickness, agility, dexterity, motor skills are required from children in most folk games; they promote courage, teamwork and honesty [8].

The goal of the phase of activity and practice was development of the behavioral component of personal and professional aspects of fitness. In practice, the students were given the task of actual participation in patriotic activities for the benefit of Russia and small motherland. It was important to ensure that the students participated in patriotic activities that allow to be active, initiative, creative and manifest personal qualities of a patriot and a citizen, respectively.

A striking example of this is the work of over 50 student volunteers from UlSPU named after I.N. Ulyanov that took an active part in organizing and staging the XXVII World Summer Universiade in Kazan in 2013 and the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. «Virazh», a cheerleading team of UISPU, received a certificate at All-Russian elimination competition, confirming its right to participate in the XXVII World Summer Universiade in Kazan in 2013 as a «Sport program support team». Based on the results of their work the activists were awarded with recognition letters.

Patriotic education system involves active participation of the students in charity events, competitions dedicated to the memory of prominent athletes etc., exhibition performances at regional festivals, organization of flash mobs in support of patriotic ideas, participation in mass competitions that are held in the region and have social and national importance in terms of patriotism promotion, for example, in such annual events as «Russian ski-track» and city and regional relays where students win prizes.

Teaching practice trips of physical education and sport faculty students to summer recreation camps have a great potential. The students work as physical education instructors and leaders, counselors, organize military sport games («Zarnitsa», «Ordered to survive», etc), hiking trips, competitions and parades where in the course of independent teaching activities they organize patriotic education of children and adolescents in the capacity of physical education teachers and coaches of educational institutions of the city of Ulyanovsk and the region.

 The method of multivariate statistics - factor analysis - was used to determine the general level of competency of the students to promote patriotic education. It showed that at the beginning of the experiment the average level of competency of the SG students to promote patriotic education was 3.01, and it reached 5.49 after the experiment, that is, the integral level value is 2.48. At the same time the average value of the integral level of competency in RG during the experiment increased by only 0.32 (from 3.06 to 3.38).

Research results and discussion. Analysis of the results of the experimental work on training students to promote patriotism showed that a significant increase of the number of students with the optimal level of competency to promote patriotic education is observed in SG: the start of the experiment - 0% (SG-1), 4% (SG-2); the end of the experiment – 61.1% (SG-1), 66.7% (SG-2) compared to explicit reduction in the number of respondents with the critical level: the start of the experiment - 44.4% (SG-1), 40.7% (SG-2); the end of the experiment – 0% (SG-1), 4% (SG-2) and the acceptable level: the start of the experiment – 55.6% (SG-1), 55.6% (SG-2); the end of the experiment – 38.9% (SG-1), 29.6% (SG-2).

The initial parameters of the level of formation of competency of physical education and sport faculty students to promote patriotism among rising generation in SG and RG do not differ significantly, but the increase in quantity and percentage ratio of students with higher levels of competency is more intense in both study groups than in both reference groups (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Levels of formation of competency of physical education and sport faculty students to promote patriotism among rising generation (assessment by the main factor).

Conclusions. The essence of patriotic education of adolescents and young people is the implementation of multifaceted, systematic and targeted educational activity aiming at formation in schoolchildren of patriotic feelings, high patriotic consciousness and feelings of loyalty to their country and small motherland, readiness to work for the good of their country and native land on the basis of ethnical, cultural, historical and socio-political characteristics of the region. A system of physical education and sport faculty student training to promote patriotism among the rising generation was developed, its effectiveness was verified. The research showed that the recorded positive dynamics of the level of competency of physical education and sport faculty students for patriotic training of children in both of the study groups significantly exceeds the level of formation of this indicator in both reference groups.


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