Bioimpedance body composition analysis to study benefits of water aerobics for female university students


Associate professor, PhD O.V. Vezenitsyn
E.G. Stadnik
T.I. Makarenkova
E.Yu. Vnukova

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
The article presents information regarding improvement of the physical education process of female students using water aerobics, swimming and by means of a bioimpedance analysis of body composition, which, in turn, enhances the student-centered direction of education, makes it possible to estimate physical condition by available means and formulate the goals of physical education of female students, assess the dynamics of body fat and muscle components, metabolic age and body type.
Objective of the study was to experimentally prove the efficiency of water aerobics programs for female university students using bioimpedance analysis.
As seen from educational experiment, water aerobics in the physical education class-and-lesson system significantly influenced the girls’ physical condition, their component body composition, metabolic age and body weight. In addition, significant improvements were noted in the duration of endurance swimming, efficiency of the circulatory system and vital capacity. Bioimpedance analysis aroused great interest in the subjects, increased their motivation for classes and helped specify the goal sets of physical education.

Keywords: bioimpedance analysis, physical education of female students, water aerobics, swimming, fitness.


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