Innovative technologies in karate training process with 7-8 year olds: application specifics
Associate professor, PhD A.N. Kondratiev
Associate professor, PhD I.V. Polyakova
E.O. Kondratieva
Tula State Pedagogical University n.a. L.N. Tolstoy, Tula
In the context of the urgent need for mass sport development and modernization of physical education of the rising generation it is justified to introduce innovative technologies with the use of karate means and it may be useful not only in physical education of primary pupils, but also in the continuing education system in general.
In recent years there has been noted a clear trend towards an increase in the number of children doing karate. However, there is a problem of specific instability of the contingent of children in the beginner training groups. This is primarily due to the insufficient interest of parents of primary pupils in their child's fitness improvement.
Major organizational and methodological components of the proposed technology were conditions created to maximize the involvement of parents in the training process, the rational design of training loads and weekly mini-tournaments as a major motivating factor.
Keywords: karate, innovative technology, sport culture, tournament, training program.
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