Information component of activity of sports organizations (based on publications in the journal «Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury»)
Ph.D., Senior Lecturer E.A. Shirobakina
Ph.D., Associate Professor N.V. Stetsenko
Ph.D., Senior Lecturer T.V. Khovanskaya
Ph.D., Associate Professor M.N. Sandirova
Ph.D., Associate Professor I.V. Lushchik
Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd
Keywords: information component, information technology, educational process, training process, health-improving and adaptive physical culture, Olympic movement, PR-technologies.
Introduction. One of the main tendencies in modern society is an increasing role of the information component in the operation of all organizations, including sports ones. The value of information, computer processed and focused on problem solution in the sphere of physical culture and sport, is increasing year after year, since it becomes the key factor in decision making. Formation of the information approach to scientific and professional activity, ability to retrieve relevant information and wisely determine the information component are necessary conditions for the increase in the level of information awareness of specialists.
The purpose of the study was to review the publications in the journal TiPFK from 2005 through 2014 related to the implementation of information technologies in the sphere of physical culture and sport.
Results and discussion. As a result of analysis of 81 publications the following basic trends in implementation of information technologies in the sphere of "Physical culture and sport" were specified: educational process, training process, health-improving and adaptive physical culture, Olympic movement and PR-technologies.
Educational process
There is a great number of publications concerning the use of information technologies in the educational process. The issues of e-learning of students and implementation of electronic textbooks in institutions of physical culture have been relevant in recent years, a considerable amount of articles can be found in this area. The authors describe the organizational and methodological aspects of e-learning in theoretical training, acquisition of motor skills and training methods, specify the main types of modern technologies, provide the examples of multimedia learning guides used in institutions of physical culture (N.Yu. Ivanova, 2007; E.M. Gubina, 2007; T.S. Lisitskaya et al., 2007; N.V. Sedykh et al., 2008; E.P. Antipova, 2010; V.M. Bogdanov et al., 2010; T.G. Kovalenko et al., 2010; I.Yu. Demin et al., 2011; R.R. Khadiullina et al., 2014) and others (E.Yu. Koroleva et al., 2012; S.M. Chechel’nitskaya, 2014); represent the content and methodology of implementation of electronic textbooks (A.I. Yatsynin, 2007; V.Yu. Volkov et al., 2014); introduce the examples of the system of designing e-learning courses and web-sites (V.A. Chistyakov et al., 2006); suggest the necessity in the new algorithm of development of educational software in the sphere of physical culture and sport (V.V. Khramov, 2014).
The following issues are also of great importance: formation of information and educational environment and virtual environment (I.V. Kiseleva, 2011; M.M. Chubarov et al., 2011; S.V. Efimova et al., 2010; V.P. Lugovskoy et al., 2010); teaching students techniques of processing and acquisition of large amounts of information (N.G. Mikhaylov et al., 2011, 2012); anti-doping activity issues (O.M. Shelkov, 2014); implementation of IТ within theoretical classes and extracurricular physical education classes of school children (L.G. Eremin et al., 2009; V.A. Vishnevsky, 2011); preschool children (S.V. Gur’ev, 2006; E.R. Zyablova, 2013; V.V. Afanasenko, 2009).
The influence of information society on sport and sports pedagogics, the new sports strategy and research trends in the sphere of informatization of physical culture and sport has been discussed in the publications of the following authors: A.L. Dimova (2011); O.I. Pavlova et al., (2010); M.V. Khompodoeva et al. (2012).
Training process
It is to be emphasized that the number of articles on education is comparable with the number of publications dedicated to the use of IT and CT tools for optimization of control over the training process. The authors describe various kinds of software, among which are: application programs (AP), robotic training system (RTS), automated software package (ASP), automated system (AS), computer simulator (CS), computer program (CP), expert system (ES), sensory electronic system (SES). Table 1 represents the data on the developments related to sports training.
Table 1
Name |
System |
Purpose |
Sport |
Author and year |
- |
- |
Computer video analysis of movements |
any |
V.V. Lysenko, D.A. Romanov, 2004 |
- |
AP |
Estimation of speed-strength abilities based on data obtained using cycle ergometer, speed recorder and tension gauges. |
any |
A.G. Samborskiy, A.A. Samborskiy, 2004 |
- |
Analysis of athlete's motor activity in virtual environment |
tennis |
O.Yu. Portnov, A.G. Ryazanov, 2005 |
Poser 4.0 |
AP |
Evaluation of technical and tactical actions based on simulation of biomechanical objects |
karate-do |
I.A. Sevost’yanov, 2005 |
- |
AS |
Analysis of biomechanical characteristics registered using tensodynamographic platform |
weightlifting |
A.N. Furaev, 2007, 2012 |
Skatt |
CS |
Improvement of shooting skills of biathletes |
biathlon |
K.S. Dunaev et al., 2007 |
Reflexometer-2000 (RM-2000) |
Assessment of body’s functional state at different stages of training process based on binocular synchronous video registration |
any |
N.D. Graevskaya, 2007 |
Snail |
CS |
Determination of biomechanical characteristics of motor actions |
weightlifting |
V.M. Musakaev et al., 2009 |
CS |
Determination of biomechanical characteristics |
weightlifting |
T.Yu. Cherkesov et al., 2009 |
Stabilan |
- |
Improvement of technique using computer posturography |
volleyball |
L.V. Kapilevich, et al., 2011 |
Rybka, Fritz and others |
CP |
Control over training process of elite chess players |
chess |
V.A. Potkin, 2011 |
- |
ES |
Operational planning of training session
any |
L.A. Khasin et al., 2007, 2008 |
- |
Biomechanical analysis based on high-speed video recording and computer simulation |
weightlifting |
L.A. Khasin et al., 2013 |
CP |
CFD-simulation for development and testing of sport equipment |
rowing |
A.A. Pomerantsev, D.V. Ivanov, 2012 |
Slalom |
CS |
Training of athlete’s muscles group involved in descending |
Alpine skiing |
T.Yu. Cherkesov, O.N. Gerasimenko, A.M. Tkhazeplov, 2012 |
- |
Testing of athlete's coordination abilities |
any |
Yu.A. Briskin, V.M. Koryagin, O.Z. Blavt, 2013 |
- |
AP |
Analysis of motion of biomechanical systems |
any |
V.I. Zagrevskiy, O.I. Zagrevskiy, 2013, 2014 |
D&K Test |
AS |
Planning of training process based on express-diagnostics of functional state and reserve capabilities of athlete's body |
I.G. Gibadullin, A.R. Imangulov, V.S. Kozhevnikov, 2014 |
Half of the articles on training are dedicated to the use of CT for athlete training in a specific sport. The rest of the publications are IT related, which could be used during training sessions in different sports, mainly to control and estimate various physical characteristics of an athlete. New concepts, like "virtual environment", "sensory electronic system", have emerged; as well as, such scientific branch as "biocybernetics" - the study of the model behavior during elaboration of the theory and technology of motor training (M.P. Shestakov, 2004). Cycle ergometers, speed recorders, tensoplatforms and other devices are still being actively used, but at the same time the methods of acquisition of the data, received from these devices, are being improved, and special computer programs simplifying its processing are being developed.
CP to organize nutrition of athletes from the Children and Youth Sports School and the Olympic Reserve Academy, containing databases on food products and recipes, recommendations for organization of rational nutrition of athletes, may be of particular interest for experts (N.D. Goldberg et al., 2008).
Health-improving and adaptive physical culture
There is only one article related to the use of IT in adaptive physical culture, and it is dedicated to the author's technology of videopsychotraining (L.A. Emel’yanova et l., 2012).
The rest of the articles are dedicated to the following issues: implementation of information-educational technologies and the use of information products in health-improving physical culture (L.V. Fatkhullin, 2008; M.Yu. Buvalin, 2010); effects of different forms of organization of web browsing on physiological and psychological characteristics of female students (S.O. Skvortsov, 2009; V.A. Vishnevskiy et al., 2013). There are examples of the models of information network technologies of monitoring of functional state, dynamics of changes and qualitative indicators of physical health of: children, adolescents and youngsters (R.A. Polynsky et al., 2008; N.G. Mikhaylov, 2014); students (G.A. Yamaletdinova et al., 2005); population (R.A. Polynsky, 2011; E.A. Polynskaya, 2011). Ye.V. Tokar' et al. (2008) describes ACS designed to correct anthropometric, functional measurements and motor qualities of each trainee.
The authors' computer programs were introduced: self-diagnostics of fatigue in students (S.A. Zagaynov, 2006); integrated assessment of students' health level (A.P. Shklyarenko, 2013); hardware and software complex for determination of the current status of functional systems of athlete's body (K.G. Korotkov, 2008).
Olympic movement and PR-technologies
Employment of IT, including using the Internet and network technologies, raises the level of Olympic education, contributes to the formation of the axiological attitude of schoolchildren and students to physical culture and Olympic education (D.A. Kruzhkov, 2004; O.V. Gorbatykh et al., 2007; R.V. Abramov, 2013, L.I. Lubysheva, 2012, 2014).
The use of IT in sports implies changes not only in servicing of competitions and making of a quality information product to cover and promote sports events (I.V. Glek, 2011), but also emergence of new forms of competitiveness in the digital environment (A.V. Kylasov, 2014).
Elaboration and implementation of modern educational and training technologies, with due regard to information component and computer technologies, is still a complex matter of private concernment.
It should be noted that it was difficult to understand what some articles touched upon: interactive technologies, standard office software or a computer program (in this case, it is desirable to specify whether it is free or commercial, if it could be purchased and what the approximate price is) etc. In some publication headlines there was not a word about information or computer technologies, or the headline did not fairly present the content of the publication, which involuntarily misinforms a specialist who is searching for the necessary information. The publications by the experts in sports, co-authored by the experts in hardware and software and CT of an applicative character, containing specific information, seem to be the most useful.
Therefore, to ensure that the most perspective methodological developments by the researchers in this sphere are in demand and will become a frequent practice, it is necessary to constantly share the experience, discussing current issues.
- Volkov, V.Yu. Elektronny uchebnik po distsipline «Fizicheskaya kul’tura» ("Physical Education" e-textbook) / V.Yu. Volkov [et al.] // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2014. – № 7. – P. 33-36.
- Gibadullin, I.G. Avtomatizirovannaya sistema planirovaniya trenirovochnogo protsessa v armsporte na osnove ucheta bioenergeticheskikh tipov organizma sportsmenov (Automated planning system of armwrestling training process with regard to athletes’ bioenergy types) / I.G. Gibadullin [et al.] // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2014. – № 11. – P. 77.
- Zagrevskiy, V.I. Komp’yuternaya programma postroeniya rashchetnykh modeley analiza dvizheniy biomekhanicheskih sistem (Software for building computational models of biomechanical system motion analysis) / V.I. Zagrevskiy [et al.] // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2014. – № 7. – P. 94.
- Lubysheva, L.I. Innovatsionnaya model’ olimpiyskogo obrazovaniya mladshikh shkol’nikov na osnove informatsionno-kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologiy (Innovative model of Olympic education of primary schoolchildren in context of information and communication technologies) / L.I. Lubysheva [et al.] // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2014. – № 7. – P. 94-96.
- Mikhaylov, N.G. Organizatsiya pedagogicheskogo kontrolya v informatsionnom prostranstve obrazovatel’nogo uchrezhdeniya (Organization of pedagogical control in information space of educational institution) / N.G. Mikhaylov // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2014. – № 1. – P. 44.
- 6. Khadiullina, R.R. Kontseptual’nye osnovy ispol’zovaniya distantsionnogo obucheniya v vuzakh fizicheskoy kul’tury (Conceptual framework of using distance learning in physical culture universities) / R.R. Khadiullina [et al.] // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2014. – № 4. – P. 57-60.
- Khasin, L.A. Analiz mikrostruktury legkoatleticheskikh metaniy na osnove skorostnoy videos'emki kak sredstvo individualizatsii trenirovochnogo protsessa sportsmenov vysokoy kvalifikatsii (Analysis of microstructure of athletic throws using high-speed videorecording to individualize training process of highly skilled athletes) / L.A. Khasin // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2014. – № 2. – P. 99-104.
- Khramov, V.V. Tekhnologiya razrabotki elektronnogo uchebno-metodicheskogo posobiya dlya urokov fizicheskoy kultury: proektirovanie programmnoy obolochki (Technology of development of electronic training manual for Physical Education lessons: software shell design) / V.V. Khramov // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2014. – № 10. – P. 37-39.
- Chechel’nitskaya, S.M. Elektronnoe i distantsionnoe obuchenie v pedagogicheskom institute fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta MGPU (Electronic and distance learning in a pedagogical institute of physical culture and sport of MGPU) / S.M. Chechel’nitskaya // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2014. – № 3. – P. 9-10.
- Shelkov, O.M. Ob'ektno-orientirovannaya relyatsionnaya baza dannykh «Antidoping-sport» s internet-dostupom (Object-oriented relational database "Anti-Doping Sport" with Internet access) / O.M. Shelkov [et al.] // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2014. – № 7. – P. 94-96.
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