«Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury» - navigator of sport science



V.P. Mochenov, Ph.D.
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Moscow

Keywords: sports science, journal "Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury", research paradigm, sport, physical education, information revolution.

Introduction. The anniversary of the journal "Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury" is a good cause for the analysis of the role of this scientific edition in the development of sports science.

Lately in the scientific research in the field of physical culture and sport the theoretical and methodological basis has been lagging behind the practice of sports activity. Today the gap between theory and practice significantly affects the efficiency of the organization of sports activity. Many scientists (V.K. Bal'sevich, S.M. Bubnovskiy, I.M. Bykhovskaya, N.N. Vizitey, A.G. Egorov, M.M. Ibragimov, L.I. Lubysheva , I.Y. Lyulevich, S.D. Neverkovich, Y.M. Nikolaev, A.A. Peredel'sky, V.N. Platonov, G.I. Popov, V.N. Seluyanov, V.I. Stolyarov, et al) are aware of this gap and urge to focus on addressing urgent theoretical and methodological problems of sports science.

The need to revise the basic theoretical and methodological concepts of sports science is due not only to a qualitative change in the practice of physical culture and sports, but also a significant transformation of contemporary culture. Currently, we are experiencing a shift from modern socio-cultural paradigm to the postmodern one. The system of values, lifestyles, perceptions of things, norms and research practice are changing. The principles of the new synergistic approach are developing in the modern postneoclassical science. Interdisciplinary synergy status may help solve the difficult methodological problem of development of the general theory of sports.

The purpose of research was to carry out a critical analysis of the journal's work in the circumstances of the information revolution.

The results of the study and discussion. In the difficult socio-economic conditions the successful solution of the difficult task of creating the new adequate theoretical and methodological arsenal of sports science largely depends on the activity of the journal "Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury" as a scientific-theoretical publication.

It should be noted that over the past 15 years, the editors of the journal have been solving their tasks very professionally.

Firstly, since 1996 the volume of the journal has increased from 5.0 pp to 9.0 pp, which helps systematically represent all the variety of research in the sphere of physical culture and sports.

Secondly, in order to stimulate innovative activity the editors introduced regular columns: «In search for new breakthrough» and «Welcome to discussion.» Under these headings the most promising directions of research are discussed. In recent years, new approaches to the development of the general theory of physical culture and sport, the organization of physical education, understanding of sport in the context of modern culture and other topics have been extensively discussed.

Thirdly, in order to create an atmosphere of a live discussion on the most controversial issues of sports science, the editors regularly organize «round tables», where different points of view can be represented. In an open debate new conceptual ideas are developed and their argumentation is improved.

Fourthly, the editors provide individual issues of the journal to various regional scientific centers of the country. This helps expand the geography of research centers, the attraction of a broader range of researchers to the scientific activities, the influx of young scientists capable of thinking in a new way, in the spirit of their time. This line of work is of particular importance, especially in the difficult conditions of the change of research paradigms when it is necessary to form a new language and a new way of thinking.

Fifthly, the editors pay much attention to the innovative activity at the local level. For example, a promising project of the sports-centered physical education was widely covered, which was implemented in different regions of the country. Such innovative projects as «SPART», «Sambo-70», «DROZD», and others are covered. Special attention is paid to the comprehensive solution of the problems of modernization of physical education in educational institutions, from the methodological innovations to the issues of material, financial and human resources .

To assess the activity of the journal in addressing the urgent problems of development of science it is not enough to carry out analysis only from the standpoint of solving the problems of organization and promotion of research in the field.

The modern conditions of the fourth information revolution require consideration of the specifics of the new socio-cultural situation. In the «avalanche flow» conditions when the investigator is lost in the sea of information the journal needs to make creating a clear motion vector of scientific thought its first priority. In these circumstances the journal should be, figuratively speaking, a reliable navigator of sports science, paving the correct route.

In order to achieve this it is necessary to actively create the problem fields of new research directions, to encourage and stimulate new approaches to solving the urgent problems of sports science. In this respect the editorial board of the journal operates in full compliance with the requirements of the time. The journal keeps providing articles of the new areas of research that require proper development: management in sport, sports law, the fitness industry, kinesitherapy, information technology in sport, culturological aspects of the study of sports, international sports movement (political aspect), and others.

Within the framework of existing traditional research areas, new developments appear in time. Thus, within the pedagogical direction the problems of developing pedagogics are being actively worked on, within the medicobiological framework – the problems of stem cells, within the sociological framework – the problems of socio-cultural design, within the psychological framework – the problems of human behavior in extreme activities etc.

Almost all iconic sports science issues are widely discussed in the journal today, such as: change of research paradigms; methodology of creating the general theory of sports, the problem of scientific knowledge integration in the study of sports activity, the ratio of academic and branch science in the organization of a specific scientific research etc.

In today's conditions of the information revolution a scientific journal is required to increase efficiency significantly and expand access to their materials. And regarding these parameters the journal "Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury" meets the high standards today. Most of the articles are published on the website teoriya.ru. There is also a full English version of the journal in the public domain. The English electronic version of the journal is published, allowing it to enter the international scientific citation databases «Scopus» and «EBSCO».

It should be noted that the success of the editorial board is largely due to the fact that since 1997 the chief editor is Lyudmila Ivanovna Lubysheva, professor, Dr.Hab. Her tireless and selfless work contributed to the ability of the journal to respond appropriately to the challenges of time during all these years. In the difficult times when the economic mechanisms of the functioning of the periodical press are changing, L.I. Lubysheva found the right solutions for the continuous activity of the journal.

In today's competitive environment among the publications the chief editor is required to ensure the high quality of the material and its scientific value. As it was already noted, during the change of research paradigms the chief editor needs a special ability to look ahead, to feel the living pulse of the times. The chief editor of the journal has a scientific intuition, an ability to see the future and bring it closer.

For example, L.I. Lubysheva was among the first authors who raised the question of developing the sports culture range of problems. Many people were skeptical about the idea, but year by year the question of sports culture is being introduced more and more in the problem field of social and humanities studies.

Conclusion. During the ninetieth anniversary of the journal "Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury" we would like to wish all members of the editorial board good health, happiness and great success. We congratulate all the authors and readers on having a highly professional scientific journal, which performs an essential function of the sports science navigator, forms the professional scientific community, provides invaluable assistance to scientists in their creative research work.

We hope that in today's complex conditions of a transition period distinguished by a change of research paradigms, the journal will actively contribute to the development of a new image of sports science.


  1. Bal'sevich, V.K. Razvitie rossiyskoy sportivnoy nauki: problemy i puti resheniya (Development of Russian sports science: problems and solutions) / V.K. Bal'sevich // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2012. – № 6. – pp. 9-12.
  2. Lubysheva, L.I., Mochenov, V.P. Novy kontseptual'ny podkhod k sovremennomu ponimaniyu sotsial'noy prirody sporta (New conceptual approach to modern understanding of social nature of sports) / L.I. Lubysheva // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2015. – № 4. – pp. 94-101.
  3. Pronin, S.A. Evolyutsiya tematiki publikatsiy zhurnala «Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury» (1925–2009 gg.) (Evolution of the publication topics of journal "Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury" (1925-2009) / S.A. Pronin // Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury. – 2010. – № 9. – pp. 6-9.

Corresponding author: mochenov2007@yandex.ru