Formation of adolescents' motor qualities in institutions of additional education
Postgraduate student A.R. Mamaev
Dr.Hab., Professor M.A. Yakunchev
Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsev’eva, Saransk
Key words: children's further education, physical qualities, formation of motor qualities, model of formation of motor qualities in adolescents in chosen sport.
Introduction. In terms of improvement of the modern educational process, the role of institutions of children's further education is getting much more important. They can considerably satisfy individual capabilities and needs in different aspects of personality development. This is entirely the case of physical development of the rising generation, especially adolescents with their age-specific anatomo-morphological, physiological and psychological characteristics. As educational practice shows, most adolescents take interest in learning different motor qualities, essential for self-assertion and self-actualization. That is why there exists an objective need for the development of scientifically grounded models for institutions of children's further education in the field of physical culture and sport for the purpose of formation of motor qualities in adolescents.
The purpose of the study was to substantiate and describe the contensive characteristics of the educational model of formation of motor qualities in adolescents in institutions of further education.
Materials and methods. The study was carried out using the theoretical research methods, among which courseware analysis, modeling, generalized representation of the educational model of formation of motor qualities in adolescents within institutions of further education in the field of physical culture and sport were of top-priority. At the first stage of the study we determined the essence of such concepts as "model", "educational model", "components of the educational model", detected anatomo-morphological, physiological and psychological characteristics of the adolescents. At the second stage we identified and described the main components of the educational model. At the third stage a generalized and comprehensive representation of the educational model of formation of motor qualities in adolescents was given.
Results and discussion. The validity of organization of the training process aimed at formation of motor qualities in children within institutions of further education depends on the implementation of a set of interrelated elements which predetermines the intended results. The education model is one of such sets. It consists of five interdependent blocks: target, methodological, contensive, organizational and procedural, criteria-diagnostic.
Target block: Based on the literature analysis [3, 4], the purposes of formation of motor qualities in adolescents within institutions of children's further education can be more precisely represented in a certain hierarchy: 1) the goal of children’s further education - meeting of all-round individual educational requirements in intellectual, moral and spiritual, physical and (or) professional development; 2) the goal of children’s further education in the field of physical culture and sport – improvement of physical qualities typical for a child, acquiring methods of active implementation of the means of physical culture and sport for promotion and long-term promotion of own health, optimization of work activities and organization of outdoor activities for all-round development of an individual; 3) the purpose of formation of motor qualities in adolescents within institutions of children's further education - acquisition of the ways of improvement of higher-priority motor qualities (strength, agility, speed, endurance, flexibility) with due regard to anatomo-morphological, physiological and psychological age peculiarities in order to be implemented in everyday life and during physical culture and sports activity.
Methodological block. It is represented by the approaches and principles concerned with the general ideas of children's further education, which, taken together, are applied to carry out the system of formation of motor qualities in adolescents. In this case, the general idea consists in individual improvement. Originally, an individual works towards improvement of his status, attainment of creativity and maturity, by realizing individual potential, being responsible for self-determination. There are system, personality-centered and activity approaches. Implementation of the first one implies realization of integrity - compliance of the content of educational material, ways of its assimilation with the goals set in the public, social and personal contracts in respect of the results of children's further education. This approach is used to design an education model as a combination of interrelated and interdependent elements. The personality-centered approach implies that all the work within institutions of further education in the field of physical culture and sport needs to be associated with the active cognitive and practical activity of children. However, it is important to accept individuality, originality, inherent value of every man, his development and improvement as an individual with own unique subjective experience. The activity approach implies realization of different kinds and methods of work children perform within the system of efficient assimilation of motor qualities. It should be emphasized that the purpose of using the activity approach is to introduce children into different activities, primarily, cognitive, practical, communicative and play activities [1, 3]. The methodological block includes principles essential for the effective formation of motor qualities in adolescents that should be pointed out. These are individualization, differentiation, variability and consideration of age peculiarities of children. Consequently, the methodological essence of the idea of human development for the purpose of designing the educational model of formation of motor qualities in adolescents within physical culture and sports institutions of further education, is in particular the fact that it opens a prospect of enhancement of the internal (psychological) and external (physical) states in everyday life during proper health and fitness, mass sports and individual sports activities.
The contensive block can be better presented in three aspects: motivational, cognitive and activity. In general terms, the first one is represented by perceptual, aesthetic, health promotion, and practical motives inducing children to assimilate motor qualities and their use in educational and real-life situations. The second one includes knowledge (anatomo-morphological, physiological, psychological, valeological, sanitary and hygienic, kinematic) and is used in intellectual and practical activities in the chosen sport [3]. The third one includes a set of techniques (cognitive, practical, play, communicative and health promotion) to be used whilst forming and improving the high-priority motor qualities in the chosen sport [2].
Organizational and procedural block implies selection and use of optimal forms, methods, means and techniques of formation of motor qualities in adolescents. It is important to highlight the forms of organization of the training process (learning and training and control sessions), of organization of research work (consultations, defense of research papers), organization of extracurricular work (discussions with athletes, participation in competitions, sports festivals, their organization and refereeing). As far as the methods are concerned, it is necessary to involve diagnostic ones, formation of physical qualities, organization of different activities, control and self-control over formation of motor qualities. Specific means should be used here - programs, plans of leaning and training sessions, methodological recommendations for educators, as well as the use of specifically developed technology of formation of motor qualities in adolescents.
Criteria-diagnostic block. Based on the works of domestic researchers [2], it can be classified by the levels: low, average and high, each expressing motivational, cognitive and activity components of the process of training of children for improvement of the high-priority motor qualities.
The process of formation of motor qualities in adolescents within institutions of further education can be successfully implemented under certain conditions. Based on the analysis of the educational and methodological practice [2, 4], we singled out three groups of conditions ensuring the effectiveness of the specified process: scientific-methodological, organizational and didactic. The first group implies realization of particular scientifically grounded means in practice of formation of motor qualities - determination of the idea, methods and principles of training of children within institutions of further education, substantiation of the model of formation of motor qualities; development of the technique of formation of motor qualities; the second one – implementation of the goal-oriented teamwork of teachers and children in the practice of formation of motor qualities; the third one - realization of educational, training and developmental components of the content of educational material.
The potential of training of adolescents in boxing for the purpose of formation of their motor qualities shall be presented basing on the study of works of domestic researchers in the field of physical education of children [3]. Thus, strength in boxing is expressed in the ability to overcome external resistance or withstand it by means of muscle force (tension). As is well known, power abilities, especially dynamic and static force, are not manifested as such, but through specific motor activity. That is why boxing is so attractive for children aiming to grow stronger. Endurance in boxing helps cope with physical fatigue during muscular activity.
Agreeing that the measure of endurance is time, during which muscular activity of specific nature and intensity is performed, when training for boxing adolescents are to do a set of monotonous prolonged exercises that maintain stability of technically correct performance. Agility in boxing is provided by a complex of coordination abilities. One of those is speed of learning new movements, the other - fast reorganization of motor activity in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing situation. It is boxing where different methods of formation of agility in children can be used. Speed in boxing, being a velocity characteristic of movements and actions, provides the ability to perform actions in the shortest for these conditions period of time. Flexibility in boxing helps develop joint mobility in the entire body. In fact, it is a morphofunctional characteristic of the locomotor system that determines the range of movements of the body units. Flexibility can be developed by means of muscle and ligament stretching exercises.
Conclusion. The proposed educational model can be used as the theoretical basis to train and improve motor qualities in children within institutions of further education in the field of physical culture and sport.
The work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF in the framework of the public contract with FSBEI HPE "Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsev’eva" for 2015. The draft "Theoretical and methodological principles of development of the model of university as a basic pedagogical education center".
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