Case technology in formation of professional competences of physical education teacher



Dr.Hab., Associate Professor E.V. Bystritskaya
Ph.D., Associate Professor R.U. Arifulina
Ph.D., Associate Professor S.I. Aksenov
Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod


Keywords: professional competence, case method, rough project, situational training, anthropic educational technology.

Introduction. The unresolved issue about the ratio of basic and applied knowledge in terms of professional pedagogical competency of PE teachers is a long-time debate in modern pedagogical sciences. In this context, anthropic educational technologies in the field of physical culture incorporate both these approaches pertaining to physical, mental and social specific constitutional features and unique axiological sphere of an individual.

Within these technologies the following aspects should be considered:

• projecting the prospective education outcomes in regard to prospective outcomes of professional activities, vectoring personal and professional development, described as “an image of the future” (by Dmitriev S.V.);

• structure of activities in regard to individual personality;

• diagnostics of both results and educational process in regard to professional performance assessment;

• set of educational models in regard to external and internal factors of its purposive selection;

• evaluation and selection criteria for educational model and learning content structures under given conditions in regard to criteria for self-assessment of professional activity and assessment of a professionally-oriented person.  

These requirements correlate with important professional competences declared by the Federal State Education Standards (FSES), thus, implementation of anthropic educational technologies in the physical education system is science-based.

A common pedagogical technique, applied in non-trivial learning environment forming pedagogical competences of future PE teachers, can be considered anthropic. Problem-based case study is one of the modern teaching methods in university education. Traditionally, case method is the analysis of pedagogical situations, which develops the complex professional mentality of future specialists in the field of physical culture. Mostly, case method represents specific negative situations requiring teacher intervention for conflict resolution. Implementation of anthropic educational technologies is based on the positive education approach, thus, diagnostic and educational models of case studies, conducted by one person or a small group of participants as a qualitative descriptive sketch projects based on presumptive situations in the learning process, its interpretation and analysis (i.e. dialogue-based, analyzed learning situations or DLS), provide an opportunity for the future PE teachers to practice and examine the extreme and abnormal situations of pedagogical activities as intentionally designed and projected in the learning process. Therefore, the case studies are considered to be aimed at building motivation of success, rather than avoiding failure; for conscious career building carried out individually or in a group in the course of professionally-oriented education. Case studies adjust professional mentality to predicting, projecting presumptive conflict situations and implementing proper solutions through universal case study sketch project. Such strategy excludes possible negative experiences in further professional activities.

Another important factor is that at this point general major-focused educational programs and curricula are developed in such a way that every subject or academic discipline builds up several general and professional competences. Basically, in terms of anthropic educational technologies, such state of affairs is irrational. Indeed, every student has a right to acquire relevant anthropic constructs needed for personal and professional development. Naturally, such practice goes beyond the limits of general competences, since it is a complex and interdisciplinary experience providing profound knowledge. Thus, the implementation of case studies, based on reflexive, socio-cultural and activity approaches, into the physical education system is the issue of great concern.

The purpose of the study was to determine the structure of case study sketch project aimed at development and analysis of professional competences of a future PE teacher.

Results and discussion. Innovative education based on preparation, presentation and defense of the case study project as part of the learning outcome of case study method contributes to professionally-oriented self-actualization of specialists in the field of physical culture, self-organization of mindset and adjustment to the PE teacher position. Defense of a sketch project includes the report for the members of a student group with or without a teacher; extra points are awarded for questionnaire prepared by the audience and organization of learning discussion and constructive feedback. Thus, defense of the sketch project represents an organizational training game, an anthropic technology introduced by Neverkovich S. D. [6, 7].  

As seen from practice, defense of the case study sketch project is most productive in teacher’s absence or with teacher’s online participation, although a teacher is the concerned observer and chief examiner assigning grades. Estimated parameters are professional competences, modes and methods of action, extent of the study area, etc.

Within anthropic educational technologies, a sketch project performs diagnostic and educational functions as was exemplified by complex sports pedagogical academic disciplines and educational modules. In particular, the developed set of sketch projects per every FSES competences for Bachelor of Education program on “Physical Culture and Sport” is successfully implemented for professional certification in the Physical Culture and Sports Department of Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University” (FSFEI HPE “NNSPU”).  It is a collective educational and professional activity which constitutes the level of proficiency of bachelor students according to the competences stated in the Federal State Educational Standards. The integrative grading system of professional certification comprises the collective result and contribution of each student to this result. Case studies aimed at diagnostics and development of competences in the field of sports and pedagogical academic disciplines are exemplified in Tables 1-2 below.

Table 1. Topics of sketch projects to develop and identify general competences

Competences of graduate student with a bachelor’s degree, based on FSFEI HPE  


Topics of sketch projects

Is able to analyze ideological, social and individual significant philosophical issues (GCC-2)

Make a hierarchy of your personal and professional values, explain your choice. Provide an example of one type of activity of a PE teacher; define personal significance of this activity.

Is able to perceive the culture significance, as a form of existence, and apply the modern principles of tolerance, communication and collaboration in the professional activity (GCC-3)

Arrange the sports event under the Olympic slogan “Oh, Sport! You Are Peace!”

You are a form tutor and you teach 6th-graders of different ethnicities. Define the teaching methods aimed at developing tolerant attitudes within a group; represent it in the educational program of the autumn term in view of the advantages of your academic discipline.

Is able to speak and write using the correct grammar (GCC-6);

Write an ad, video scenario and speech for elementary pupils to join your sports center. Define specific features of the statements.

Is ready to collaborate with colleagues; ready for teamwork (GCC-7)

You found out that collegiate relations between school teachers lack friendly attitudes and creativity. Arrange the health and fitness event timed to the school foundation day, that would involve your colleagues, teachers of other academic disciplines, administrative authorities, with their direct contribution to the arrangement of the event settings.

Is ready to apply basic methods and the means of obtaining, storage and processing of information; is ready to use PC for information management (GCC-8)

Make a hierarchy of informational sources for one type of your professional activity (training, educational, selective, self-study, etc.). Explain your choice. Does the list change if you choose another type of professional activity?

Knows a foreign language enough to acquire and analyze information regarding the professional field of work from foreign sources (GCC-10);

Model a situation, in which a PE teacher might need second-language skills.

Understands the meaning and significance of information in the information society; recognizes presumable danger of its development, complies with the basic requirements of information security, including the defense of the State secrecy (GCC-12)

Offer a project aimed at overcoming the parental misconceptions on the necessity of cold resistance development for students. Exemplify the common misconceptions and describe the ways it can be reasonably contradicted by a PE teacher.

Is ready to use normative regulatory documents in the professional activity (GCC-13)

Structure a document, needed to organize health and fitness activities in secondary school during holidays.

Is tolerant to social and cultural differences, respectful towards historical heritage and cultural traditions (GCC-14);

Introduce the cross-national sports game in children’s camp for the participants to show national cultural and sports traditions.  

As seen from practice, modeling and implementation of listed sketch projects are the educational and professional type of activities. The outcomes can be implemented as learning assignments, as well as final case study projects. Furthermore, the case study projects developed during the educational process are the foundation for creating the professional portfolio of a PE teacher and trainer.

Table 2. Topics of sketch projects to develop and identify general competences of students with a bachelor’s degree majoring in “Physical Culture and Sport”

Competences of graduate student with a bachelor’s degree, based on FSFEI HPE

Topics of sketch projects

General professional competences

Realizes the social significance of the future profession; is motivated for professional practice (GPC-1)

Conduct the sociological study on the significance of your profession: choose the contingent of respondents and type of survey; make a questionnaire; offer the project of questionnaire data processing. Stipulate the motives common and different for both teacher and pupils.

Has the oratorical skills and knows the basics of professional terminology in the field of physical culture (GPC-3)

Structure the program of training exercises and indicate teacher's monologues and dialogues; consider the significance of pedagogical rhetoric and oratorical skills of the PE teacher, as well as the use of specific terminology.

Professional competences in the field of pedagogical activity:

Is ready to communicate with pupils’ parents, colleagues and social partners concerned for providing the quality of educational and training process (PC-5)

Make a project of a program aimed at communicative cooperation with pupils’ parents, colleagues and members of different social institutions; state a set of questions to discuss.

Professional competences in the field of cultural-educational activity:

Is able to orderly interact with the participants of cultural-educational activities (PC-9)

Project and analyze the organizational process of pupils’ meeting with elite athletes; specify the object and topic of discussion

Is able to identify and apply the opportunities of the regional cultural and educational environment for arrangement of cultural and educational activity (PC-11)

Offer a sketch project on the structure and functions of new sports facility aimed at regional traditional sports development using the proper means; describe the contingent taking part in the further sports activities at this facility.

Conclusions. The projects help recognize the specificity of the professional activity of a physical education and sport specialist, who works with different population groups in medical, sanitary, recreational, tourist and educational institutions; understand the specificity of the profession of PE teacher chosen from a number of other similar professions, ensure the correct assessment of his pedagogical vocation, or the need for timely change of profession. This activity increases the motivation for training, and above all professional activity in the sphere of physical culture, sport and youth policy.


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