Formation of professional competency of student-builders using team and outdoor games



Associate professor, Ph.D. V.P. Demesh¹
Associate professor, Ph.D. I.S. Moskalenko¹
Senior lecturer N.I. Perevoznikova²
¹ Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg
² St. Petersburg University of Humanities, St. Petersburg

Keywords: professional competency, game technology, applied professional skills, emotional-volitional stability, psycho-emotional stress.

Introduction. Promotion of modern equipment and manufacturing technologies in construction industry results in increased work and labour intensity, reduced muscle activity and psycho-emotional stress of workers. Therefore, the practice of sport and outdoor games in the educational environment of students is the issue of great importance in the context of arranging the productive educational and physical culture and sports activities of students. Such activities are based on educational and pedagogical values and provide positive and healthy emotional environment.

The overarching objective of improving higher technical education under modern conditions is transition from mass education to specialist training programs in the universities. The graduates are supposed to be professionally competent, possess managerial skills, scientific and analytical knowledge. They should be able to meet competition, explore and develop high technologies, participate in innovative engineering projects.

According to systemic-functional analysis of the professional activity of a construction engineer, this field of work requires considerable intellectual work, attention focusing, high work capacity and muscular endurance. The professional discipline of construction engineering is characterized by frequent extreme situations in the course of work, which require taking decisions under time pressure and fast recovering from neuro-emotional strain.

Analysis of literary sources shows that professional activity of construction workers involves a range of operations, procedures and techniques requiring professional skills and team work [2, 5].

Education of certified builders with the specialist degree is based on major specialties in the field of humanistic and engineering disciplines, as well as physical culture, which provides well-being and social benefits of specialist builders. Competition in the intellectual labour market can be withstood only by well-educated professionals who have a stable level of capacity for work gained through physical training.

Thus, physical education of students should be diversified, comprising the speed and speed-strength and special training exercises based on sport games and outdoor activities.

Practicing sport games, as a complex process, addresses a number of significant pedagogical issues: meeting the students’ needs for physical activity, developing body control skills, improving physical, motor, mental, creative skills and qualities. The process of sport games combines various physical exercises, techniques and physical movements into an integrated system without requiring any special technical equipment and facilities [4, 5].

According to previous studies, sport games develop physical, psychological and special qualities, contributing to team building skills and solidarity of future specialists. Play activities counterbalance cognitive workload and psychological stress through positive emotional background. The process of game activity includes simulation of different real-life extreme situations and consideration of various ways to overcome these situations [3, 5].

Educational process, based on physical culture and sports activities, as part of the system of skilled specialist training, consists in the organized teaching and learning processes, including theoretical and practical training of students, academic and extracurricular activities, pedagogical activity, mass sports activities and fieldwork.

The study of pedagogical monitoring of the educational process indicates the lack of consistent approach to organizational and methodological lesson structure, consequential applying of methodological algorithm, selection of intermediate, sequential exercises and its successive implementation, as well as rational implementation of game practice based on interactive and competitive methods.

The purpose of the study was to substantiate the effectiveness of sport games as universal means in terms of personality development, as well as developing applied professional skills of future construction workers.

Materials and methods. The increased efficiency of the educational program assimilation by students was provided through the methodological system tested in the educational process (Diagram 1) and algorithmization of the teaching process, including methodological differentiation of exercises, technical requirements for its successive implementation, routine and final monitoring, analysis of the progress in the methodological data assimilation and correction.

Diagram 1. Methodological system of teaching game techniques and actions (by Portnykh R.T., Fetisova S.L.)

According to obtained data and recommendations of P.E. teachers and instructors a new game-based approach has been established, which helps university students acquire, practice and improve game elements. The physical exercises comprise outdoor activities, sequential and interactive game-based exercises (simplified, training and competitive).

Results and discussion. The study has shown that education based on sport games and the didactic method of monitoring of the educational process has an all-round effect on the motivation and recognition of physical culture and sports activities and contributes to growth of attendance.

Attaining the sustainable level of physical fitness and technical skills is closely connected with well-developed physical qualities: general and strength endurance, coordination and joint mobility. These qualities can be improved through the process of game-based sports activities, as the players perform long- and short-time sprinting and dribbling, tackle a ball and obstruct the opponents, make loop turns, jump, practice landing, hitting and kicking the ball.

Basically, the listed techniques and skills correspond to the applied professional techniques performed by specialists in the course of professional activity. The implementation of acquired techniques, physical and psychological qualities in the professional activity defines professional competences.


  • Competence as a dynamic form of existence and improvement of knowledge and professional skills implemented in fieldwork of specialist builder, and needed to deliver targeted results, defines the sports and outdoor games as viable means promoting motor and physical activity, forming the university students’ creative and applied professional potential for future work.
  • Professional competences are based on specialized knowledge, the ability to overcome occupational hazard, dynamics of professional fatigue and exhaustion, skills of using the means of physical culture, practice of sports and sport games in order to enhance health, maintain high work capacity and live longer.


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