Innovative rhythmic gymnastics technology as factor of optimization of cardiac functions


Postgraduate student Yu.B. Pogrebak
Dr.Biol., Professor  V.A. Baronenko
Ph.D., associate professor S.I. Anfimova
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg

There was determined a significant positive effect of the three six-month-long courses of innovative rhythmic gymnastics training of female preschoolers shown in the increase of the contractile cardiac function parameters (strength and speed qualities of the left ventricle), as well as its pumping function (left ventricular diastolic volume and its degree of relaxation). High efficiency of delivery of oxygen to the tissues per unit area of the body of gymnasts and economization of aerobic capacity of their cardiac activity were detected as leading factors in the strategy of adaptation to the training process. The use of training sessions in accordance with the traditional technology significantly affected the parameters of contractile and pumping work of the heart.
In the strategy of adaptation of female gymnasts to the training process the leading factor was the super-mobilization of functional reserves, leading to wasting aerobic capacities of cardiac activity, typical for the untrained heart during exercise.

Keywords: gymnastics, 5-7-years girls, heart contractile and pumping functions, third phase of training, adaptation strategy.


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