Comparative analysis of curricula of conventional and sports-centered physical education of students in vocational secondary education
E.L. Solovey
Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow
Conventional physical education curriculum is organized on the basis of specific features, while the sports-centered curriculum is based on sports. Their priority is determined using a theoretical analysis and comparison of the two curricula. The purpose of the research was to conduct a comparative analysis of conventional and sports-centered approaches in physical education of students in secondary vocational education.
As opposed to the conventional physical education, the sports-centered one creates equal opportunities for self-fulfillment in sport, promptly responding to motivation, interests and needs, gives support to the students gifted and talented in sports. Here their abilities, interests, moral standing, professional and sports skills are being developed.
Keywords: conversion, system approach, sports-centered physical education, conventional physical education curriculum, functional system.
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