Types of learning tasks in implementation of prognostic education of physical education and sports specialists
Ph.D., associate professor A.V. Skotnikova
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow
Prognostic education involves organizing in the learning process of such forms of design and cognitive activities, which promote development of the ability to solve creative problems under uncertainty, relying on the present life experience. It is especially important to teach students to solve prognostic problems in the physical culture and sports area, which is rapidly developing and sets more and more new, previously unknown problems before the specialists.
There were allocated three types of learning tasks in prognostic education, depending on the degree of compliance with the "base area" of general and specialized knowledge in the area and personal knowledge and skills. Interdisciplinary tasks provide information not only about the ability of future specialists in physical education and sports to put into practice the knowledge obtained in higher school, but also the willingness to acquire new skills on the basis of forecasting of development trends in the physical culture and sports sector.
Keywords: types of learning tasks, prognostic education, educational process.
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