On-line-technologies in training of pupils for «Ready for Labour and Defence» tests


Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavskiy1
Ph.D., associate professor A.V. Fursov1
K. Ivanov2
O.S. Fokina3
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
2Gymnasium of the first category "Salakhov Laboratory", Surgut
3Gymnasium № 43 of Surgut

The article deals with the experience of using on-line technologies for software and methodical support of the All-Russian GTO physical culture and sports complex.
On the basis of on-line technologies an automated on-line-system for the software and methodical support of the All-Russian GTO physical culture and sports complex was designed.
Owing to the designed program one can get information not only for identification of the participants, whose results either meet or not the gold, silver or bronze badge standards, but also for making a detailed analysis of the uniformity of development of physical qualities (condition profile) of each participant. Thus, physical education teachers in schools will be able to create individual educational plans based on the condition profile. All opinions, protocols and reports can be found in the "AS FSK GTO" user database.

Keywords: on-line-technology, software-methodical support of All-Russian GTO physical culture and sports complex.


  1. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po sportivnoy infrastrukture v ramkakh realizatsii programmy GTO (Guidelines regarding sports infrastructure as part of GTO program [electronic resource]. – Available at: http://sportteacher.ru/ (Date of access: 25.06.2014).
  2. Sinyavskiy, N.I. Primenenie onlayn tekhnologiy v programmno-metodicheskom obespechenii Vserossiyskogo fizkul'turno-sportivnogo kompleksa «Gotov k trudu i oborone (GTO)» (Use of online technologies in software methodical support of All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense (GTO)") / N.I. Sinyavskiy, A.V. Fursov, A.A. Kamartdinova, N.N. Gerega // Uch. zapiski un-ta im. P.F. Lesgafta. – 2015. – № 3(123). – P. 133–136.
  3. Ukaz o Vserossiyskom fizkul'turno-sportivnom komplekse (Decree of All-Russian physical culture and sports complex [Electronic resource]. – Available at: http://fizvosp.ru/ (Date of access: 20.06.2014).