Opportunities of correction of psychosomatic health of pupils of 11-13 years of age at boxing classes
Ph.D. V.V. Minin
Ph.D., associate professor E.N. Minina
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol
The article concerns the effectiveness of boxing sessions for pupils of 11-13 years of age, in addition to school physical education classes. An organized scoring system was used to assess the level of physical health of the pupils. In addition, the repolarization wave symmetry indicator was used to quantify myocardial functional capabilities. Psychological state was evaluated by the level of anxiety using the Spielberger-Hanin test, self-esteem was determined based on the WAM questionnaire results. It was found that the educational importance of boxing sessions is accompanied by psychosomatic health correction in adolescence.
Keywords: pupils, boxing, psychosomatic health.
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