Technology of individualization of training process of junior combat athletes in sports skills perfection phase
Ph.D., associate professor S.A. Litvinov
Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
The article is devoted to the justification of the technology of individualization of training process of skilled combat athletes in the case of karate. The purpose of the study was to identify and substantiate means of conditioning and special physical training aimed at improvement of particular abilities of skilled combat athletes. The study showed that the developed technology of individualization of the training process contributes to an improvement of personal abilities of athletes, which gives reason to use it in the training process when planning long-term training. Offensive techniques representing originality of the combination style in martial arts, which consist of front hand punch "kizami tsuki" and stepping punch "oi tsuki", front kick "mae geri" which are directly interdependent on the development of general and special physical qualities, creativity and mental processes. The detected features of development of physical and psychological qualities of athletes of 15-18 years of age served the basis for the design of an innovative technology of management of long-term training.
Keywords: training process individualization, technology, special exercises, overall physical fitness, highly skilled athletes, martial arts, creativity level, personality.
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