Stuational anxiety in strategy of adaptation to training process of beginner athletes and candidates for master of sports involved in boxing
Ph.D., associate professor S.I. Anfimova
Postgraduate student Yu.B. Pogrebak
Master's student V.M. Fed'shin
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
In the strategy of adaptation of boxers to the training process following types of situational anxiety dominate: beginners have fears associated with social contacts (especially with peers), and candidates for master of sports (CMS) have fears related to public display of professional skills, especially fears of coach's rating of their performance.
The study revealed differences in strategies for adapting to the training process of beginner boxers and CMS involved in boxing, the essence of which is as follows:
- before training: in beginner boxers on the background of overall moderate emotional stress the driving factor in the adaptation strategy is the fear of relationship with a coach; while in CMS - against the background of psychophysiological stress tolerance, the driving factor is the fear of self-expression;
- after training: among beginner boxers the fear to not meet the expectations of other people, especially their peers is dominating in the adaptation strategy; while the CMS's main factor is the fear of the situation of public evaluation of knowledge and skills of a boxer.
Keywords: situational anxiety, adaptation strategy, training process, novice boxers, candidates for master of sports.
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