Changes in physical working capacity of athletes induced by «Kladorod» herbal biocomplex
Postgraduate student K.N. Naumova
Dr.Hab, Professor R.I. Platonova
Ph.D., Associate Professor V.V. An'shakova
Dr.Biol., Professor B.M. Kershengol'ts
North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk
Keywords: pharmacological support of sport, elite sport, highly skilled athletes, biological preparation, rhodiola rosea, freestyle wrestling, biocomplex administration, physical working capacity
Freestyle wrestling is one of the martial arts where two athletes compete in a single bout on certain rules using a variety of regulated actions including holds, throws, turning-over, back heels etc., and each of the athletes strives to win by pinning the opponent on the shoulder blades.
Freestyle wrestling is known to be the sport of proven positive effect on the nervous system, and improvements in the nervous system functionality are normally manifested by higher reaction and spatial orientation rates, faster perceptivity and attention control ability, better composure and mental stability etc.
The growing competition in the top ranking freestyle wrestling events forces the sport community to look for the ways to perfect the existing techniques and methods and thereby secure both the multisided physical conditioning and mental fitness of the athletes. As things now stand in elite sports, pharmacological support of the training process is viewed among the top priority methods to improve the athletic working capacity. This is the reason why the projects to produce efficient biological preparations for application in sport medicine are in high demand today and their objectives are successfully achieved using a variety of new raw materials and modern processing technologies [4].
Research team of the Mechanic-chemical Biotechnologies Laboratory in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya, Russia) has developed a unique “Kladorod” biological preparation based on mechanically and chemically activated mix of ultra-dispersed powder reindeer moss (lichen) and rhodiola rosea roots and rhizomes. The mechanic-and-chemical activation process is designed to disintegrate the cell walls (cytoderm) and trigger formation of new structures detectable by means of atomic-force microscopy (Figure 1-B); and such structures can never be found on non-activated course-grained particles of reindeer moss powder that generally show more smooth surface structure (Figure 1-A) [1, 3].
Figure 1. Reindeer moss powder surface structures depending on the applied grinding technology, as revealed by atomic-force microscopy: A: coarse-grained product of mechanic grinding; B: mechanic-and-chemical process product
The more sophisticated grinding process initiates changes in the chemical composition of the input herbal raw due to a number of chemical bonds being broken with supra-molecular complexes being formed through intermolecular interaction mechanisms [1].
The intermolecular interactions of the lichen β-polysaccharides and physiologically active substances (PAS) of the rhodiola rosea roots and rhizomes provide a basis for formation of a poly-component complex (Figure 2) [6, 7], with the complex being formed in a single technological stage through the mechanic-and-chemical activation of the lichen β-polysaccharides and the rhodiola rosea roots and rhizomes. The physiologically active substances (PAS) of the rhodiola rosea roots and rhizomes were found to include salidrozide and aromatic flavinoid-type acids.
Figure 2. Salidrozide and β-polysaccharide intermolecular interaction diagram
It is the weak intermolecular interactions that result in formation of biophilic-type complex and create favourable conditions for diffusion processes thereby increasing the biological accessibility of the active substance 5 to 10 times with the relevant growth of its biological activity. Physiological activity of the bio-complex of the lichen thallus and roots mix with the rhodiola rosea roots and rhizomes was found to be 2.5-3.0 times higher than usual despite the fact that the rhodiola rosea proportion is 10 times lower, and this effect is achieved by the higher biological accessibility of the complex [2].
Action of the biological preparation was found to normalize the metabolic processes and improve the mental and physical working capacity. It is the action of the lichen β-polysaccharides that apparently results in the bodily internal environments (including blood, lymph, muscular cells etc.) being detoxified when the variety of the exogenic and endogenic toxins produced in the metabolic processes (and particularly lactic acid which is considered a “fatigue toxin” generated by high-intensity physical and mental activity) are removed, with the blood sugar levels and immune reactivity rates being normalized. Therefore, there are good reasons to maintain that administration of the “Kladorod” biological preparation (that is the mix of rhodiola rosea roots and rhizomes and Cladonia lichen thallus and roots) helps recreate the energy resources of bodily systems.
The purpose of the study was to assess the efficiency of the “Kladorod” biological preparation when it is applied to improve the physical working capacity of elite freestyle wrestlers.
Materials and methods. Subject to the study was a group of elite freestyle wrestlers from the junior and senior republican teams defending the colours of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya, Russia). The experimental study was performed in the period of summer training session of July 14 through 29, 2013 at the Sport Base of the “Sport Excellence School “Mann’yattakh”, the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya) based in the Megino-Kangalass Ulus [Province]. Every athlete participating in the survey was qualified as “basically healthy” by a special medical examination. In total 30 athletes of 17 to 25 years of age (with the average age estimated at 21 ± 4.0 years) certified as Candidate for Masters and Masters of Sport were subject to the study. Reference tests were made twice: at the start and the end of the training session on July 14 and 29, respectively [8].
Generally, the summer training session was designed to upgrade the strength abilities of the athletes. The individual athletic fitness rates and stress rates of the body systems were metered using “Omega-C” Computerized System.
The subject athletes were split up into three groups depending on their starting mental-and-physical fitness (MPF) ratings, as follows: Group I composed of the high MPF-rated athletes; Group II – of the mean MPF-rated athletes; and Group III – of the low MPF-rated athletes.
The athletes subject to the experimental study were required to administer the biological complex for one month twice a day (in the morning and afternoon) 20-30 minutes before the meals, with the following group administration plans being applied:
Group I athletes with the high starting mental-and-physical fitness rates were required to administer the biological preparation for the period of 2 weeks to 1 month prior to the competitions taking 2-3 capsules per day, with the rhodiola rosea to lichen proportion of 1:10;
Group II athletes with the mean starting mental-and-physical fitness rates were required to administer the biological preparation for the period of 2 weeks to 1 month prior to the competitions taking 4 capsules per day, with the rhodiola rosea to lichen proportion of 1:10; and
Group III athletes with the low starting mental-and-physical fitness rates were required to administer the biological preparation for the period of 2 weeks to 1 month prior to the competitions taking 2-3 capsules per day, with the rhodiola rosea to lichen proportion of 1:5.
The subject athletes were surveyed by questionnaires and studied by the functionality study method and statistical data study method.
Functionality study methods: “Omega-C” Computerized System (certified by FS Registration #022а 2005/1434-05 of March 18, 2005) was used for the purposes of computerized express-diagnostics of the levels of adaptation to physical workloads (working capacity), with the following output data being obtained: А - level of adaptation to physical workloads; В – fitness level; С – energy supply level of the body; D – mental/emotional condition; Н – integrated “sport form” indicator; and vegetative regulation system condition based on the HRV (heart rate variability) (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Express-diagnostics diagram
Statistical data analysis method: Statistical data analysis was made using the “Statistica 7.0” Application Software Package (made by StatSoft company). The analysis applied parametric base statistics methods, including calculations of mean (M) arithmetic value, deviation (m) of the latter, and Pirson Correlation indicator.
Study results and discussion
The study demonstrated that the “Kladorod” bio-preparation being administered in the training process resulted in changes of the levels of adaptation to physical workloads in athletes of all the three experimental Groups, with the bio-complex action being most effective for the Group with low starting body adaptation levels (Table 1). The Table 1 hereunder gives the outcome data indicative of the relevant changes in the athletes’ physical fitness in percentage terms prior to and after the “Kladorod” bio-preparation administration in the training process. Formula ω(%)=R1/R2 was used for the calculations, with ω meaning the physical adaptation index; - meaning the resultant indicator after the preparation was administered; and meaning the indicator before the preparation was administered.
The similar changes were observed through data analysis to rate fitness levels, energy supply levels; mental/emotional conditions; and integrated sport form (Table 1).
Table 1. Comparative changes in the athletes’ physical condition indicators, % (M±m)
Indicators |
Group I |
Group II |
Group III |
А |
Adaptation to physical workloads |
77,7±17,6 |
109,1±35,4 |
489,7±231,5 |
В |
Fitness level |
74,6±25,4 |
104±42,1 |
465±190 |
С |
Energy supply level |
78,8±13,2 |
116,8±45,8 |
243,3±36,9 |
Д |
Mental/emotional condition |
82,2±12,7 |
95,8±33,7 |
210,4±60,3 |
Н |
Integrated sport form |
87,7±17,3 |
92,3±28,8 |
306,5±100,2 |
Furthermore, the outcome data presented in above Table 1 show that the proposed bio-complex administration formula with the proportion of the mechanically-and-chemically activated rhodiola rosea roots and rhizomes to Cladonia lichen thallus of 1:5 and 1:10 depending on the starting physical conditions of the athletes appears to be optimal for the speed-and-strength sport disciplines [the finding was subject to Patent Application #2014130651 of July 24, 2014].
These administration plans were found to help renovate the intensively mobilized energy resources, maintain high rates of metabolic processes and keep up the general physical working capacity of the athletes. With prudential consideration for the scopes and intensity levels of the physical workloads on the athletes engaged in the speed-and-strength sport disciplines, the preparation may be administered in 3 stages, i.e. including evening training sessions too.
The similar correlations were found in the study of the bio-complex effects on the body energy supply systems of the athletes. The higher content of rhodiola rosea in the bio-complex (group B versus group A) was found to correlate with the higher energy supply to the body systems of the athletes (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Bio-complex influence on the energy supply of the athletes having similar starting physical working capacity levels
As shown by the comparative analysis of the study data prior to and after the preparation was administered, no significant changes were found for the experimental group athletes having high starting working capacity levels, and this may be indicative of the fact that the biological preparation has a stabilizing effect and helps the body keep up on the achieved peak of the sport form.
Furthermore, the obtained data demonstrates that the control group athletes (who have not taken the “Kladorod” preparation), in contrast to the experimental Group I, showed additional fall of the adaptation level by 9%, fitness level by 10%, energy supply level by 24%, mental/ emotional condition by 1% and the integrated sport form by 15 % (Table 2). The data given in Table 2 were computed using the above formula and presented in percentage terms to show the differences of the specific physical condition indicators prior to and after the “Kladorod” biological preparation being administered.
The data obtained using the “Omega-C” Computerized System were supported by dynamometric tests to rate the pull force and explosive strength of the subject athletes prior to and after the experiment. It was found by the study that the explosive strength of the experimental Group I athletes increased by 13.3% (Figure 5) and the pull force by 19.4% (Figure 6) after administration of the preparation.
Table 2. Comparative changes of the physical condition indicators for the athletes having high starting levels of mental and physical condition
Indicators |
Comparative changes of the physical condition indicators, % |
Control group |
Experimental Group I |
А |
Adaptation to physical workloads |
68,7±15 |
77,7±9,9 |
В |
Fitness level |
64,6±12,2 |
74,6±5,4 |
С |
Energy supply level |
54,8±16 |
78,8±18,2 |
Д |
Mental/emotional condition |
81,2±43 |
82,2±24 |
Н |
Integrated sport form |
72,7±14,5 |
87,7±17,5 |
Figures 5 and 6. Explosive strength and pull force dynamometric test data for the experimental Group I
The study data gives good reasons to believe that the administration effectiveness of the rhodiola rosea/ reindeer moss preparation is largely due to acceleration of the body systems renovation process after physical workloads; and the effect is explainable by the detoxifying effects of the lichen component and improvements in the body systems functionalities, working capacity reserve mobilization and the energy supply activation mechanisms due to action of the physiologically active substances (PAS) of the rhodiola rosea; with assimilation of the latter being largely facilitated by the complexes formed with the lichen β- polysaccharides [1]. It should be noted in this context that the higher are the starting physical conditions of the athlete, the lower rhodiola rosea content is recommended in the bio-complex mix with the lichen.
In general, the study data and analysis give good reasons to recommend the “Kladorod” biological preparation to improve the training process effectiveness and success in the speed-and-strength sport disciplines. This recommendation is substantiated by the study results and expert findings of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Research Centre Russian Research Institute for Physical Culture (FSBI FRC RRIPC) that states the following: “Kladorod” biologically active food additive contains no components with a doping action and may be used in athletic training and mass physical culture processes with no restrictions as to the drug testing criteria applicability” [5].
Further studies of the “Kladorod” biological preparation action and efficiency may be of great promise for sport science, as these studies may be designed to explore the effects of different doses and administration plans of the preparation on athletes of different skill levels and different sport disciplines, and such studies may help improve the training process quality and success in competitions.
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