Applied professional physical training for professional work under long-term stress
Dr.Hab, Professor V.G. Shil'ko
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor E.V. Galazhinskiy
Ph.D. D.Yu. Balanev
Dr.Med. T.A. Shil'ko
E.S. Potovskaya
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
Keywords: psychophysical training for professional work, stress load, physical fitness, physical working capacity, physical qualities, motor skills.
Introduction. The effectiveness of man's long-term professional activity under stressful conditions is largely determined by his psychophysical readiness. The high level of psychophysical readiness contributes to effective actions in emergency situations and helps in efficient solution of professional issues. But this level is largely dependent on applied professional physical training (APPT).
In this respect, it is of interest to study the experience of professional training of future specialists which study in fire-fighting and rescue departments in fire engineering universities [1] and pilots of the Russian Federation and the USA Air Forces [4, 5] as well as flight crews of civil and state aviation of the Russian Federation [3, 7, 9] focused on formation of professionally significant physical qualities, motor skills (general and special endurance, coordination abilities, speed, etc.) so that a person could act effectively in emergency situations.
Much attention in training of specialists of the above-mentioned professions is paid to development of psychological characteristics (psychoemotional stability, attention, memory, distance judging) and personal traits (determination, courage, inventive power, emotional stability, tenacity of purpose and etc.).
It is also worth mentioning the experience in special physical exercises application to applied professional physical training of cadets of the higher military educational establishments in conditions of military activity simulation [6]. The use of special technique of APPT of military personnel promoted a significant improvement of cadets' special physical qualities indicators and made an essential impact on the level of their overall physical fitness, as well as on the growth of indicators of specific physical activity connected with time and spatial precision in movement despite of existing puzzling factors (limitation of vision field motional space, fatigue, psychoemotional tension and etc.), moreover, it also contributed to a general increase of psychophysical readiness to perform service and military missions in extreme conditions.
As seen from the four-year experience in arrangement of oilmen physical training in rotational working conditions in Western Siberia, the level of strength and strength endurance in many respects determines working ability of oilmen of main professions in the course of their 12-hour day and night shifts [10].
As for development of special physical qualities related to improvement of muscular coordination, a certain interest is seen in a methodology of training in such kinds of sports as archery and small-arms weapon shooting involving a steady stress suffered when targeting, a pinpoint accuracy and coherence of work of all body parts and systems when making a shot [2, 8]. Fulfillment of complex professional operations in conditions of long-lasting stress demands maximum concentration of the whole body functional system activity, therefore a method of shooters training can also be useful for representatives of other professions involving long-lasting stresses.
The study objective was to develop and approve a special method of psychophysical training that promotes improvement of physical fitness, working ability and psychoemotional state in the framework of professional physical training of persons engaged in different types of activity under long-lasting stresses.
Materials and methods. The study is conducted on the basis of NR TSU Faculty of Physical Education and assumes application of its two forms: pilot and analytical (in-depth). Presently, an exploratory experiment is conducted within a piloting study structure. 7 educational groups in basketball, volleyball, football, swimming, karate, bodybuilding and general physical training were formed for the pilot study (September 2014 – March 2015). The sampling comprised of men of 17–19 years of age, 1st-year students of NR TSU 21st faculty; the sampling size reached 175 people with 25 people in a group. In its turn, each group was subdivided into 2 subgroups – 12 people in control group and 13 people in experimental group.
In control groups education and training were carried out according to conventional programs reflecting specific features of a certain type of physical education and sports activity. Along with traditional methods, the experimental subgroups trainings include a developed technique which provisions special exercises developing physical qualities that promote more efficient professional activity under long-lasting stress. These are exercises for improvement of static fatigue, strength and coordination endurance, dexterity, speed and other qualities.
Exercises should be done at 6 specially prepared stations in preset conditions with circuit training.
Duration of exercise performance makes 3 minutes at each station. Considering time limitation, it is necessary to keep maximum possible motor density of the main part of training when performing the whole set of exercises (80–90%).
A set of exercises developed by the authors of the mentioned method is meant for 16 training sessions. It is recommended to perform it during 20 minutes at the beginning of the main part of each training.
During the entire period of the exploratory experiment implementation, the exercises remain unchanged, but from one training session to another their volume and intensity alter: duration, frequency, intervals, complexity, speed and etc.
Study results and discussion. Results of tests of general and special physical fitness of students engaged in the experiment revealed considerable differences between the maximum and the minimum performance indicators almost in all control exercises.
We have ranked types of physical education and sports activities by a total number of maximum performance indicators values in reference exercises (Table 1) characterizing levels of physical qualities development at the exploratory experiment initial stage.
The highest performance indicator values in control exercises (absolute result) reflecting improvement of strength, plasticity and responsivity (catching of a falling object) were fixed for people involved in bodybuilding (Table 2).
The highest performance indicator values in three control exercises which revealed the levels of general and strength endurance development, as well as dexterity improvement, were shown by those playing volleyball.
Each representative of sports disciplines - swimming, karate and basketball - demonstrated two best performance indicator values. They distinguished themselves in control exercises which characterized levels of dexterity and sense of equilibrium, as well as speed and strength qualities, physical working ability (Harvard step test) and agility (shuttle run).
Football representatives distinguished themselves only once when they became the best in 100 m distance run. Representatives of the body conditioning group achieved best results in none of the testings.
Table 1. Indicators of student’s physical qualities improvement
Tests |
Football |
Swimming |
Volleyball |
Karate |
Basketball |
Body conditioning |
Bodybuilding |
Right hand strength, kg |
41,8 |
43,5 |
45,5 |
44,4 |
42,5 |
48,6* |
Left hand strength, kg |
37,8 |
40,9 |
42,2 |
36,2** |
42,2 |
40,2 |
45,0* |
Pull-ups, number of reps |
11,1 |
9,8 |
11,4* |
6,5** |
10,3 |
9,0 |
10,5 |
L sit using parallel bars, sec |
15,0 |
10,7 |
8,9** |
9,3 |
11,5 |
11.2 |
18,1* |
Push-ups, number of reps |
44.3 |
36,8 |
37,1 |
39,3 |
34,0** |
40,1 |
47,8* |
Standing long jump, cm |
212,3 |
224,6* |
221,1 |
199,8** |
221,6 |
216,8 |
221,4 |
100 m run, sec |
13,7* |
14,0 |
13,8 |
14,8 |
13,9 |
14,1 |
13.8 |
Catching of falling object, cm |
31,5** |
28,7 |
29,0 |
25,0 |
21,0 |
25,6 |
19,7 |
Shuttle run, sec |
15,29 |
17,3 |
16,0 |
18,6** |
15,0* |
18,1 |
15,7 |
Forehand hit of the ball, number of times |
105,5 |
107,0 |
141,1* |
125,3 |
104,5 |
102,3** |
109,2 |
Forehand and backhand hit of the ball, (number of reps) |
43,1 |
37,2 |
61,5 |
73,3* |
45,9 |
32,6** |
37,0 |
Juggling with stuffed balls, number of reps |
43,9** |
58,5 |
60,2 |
50,3 |
62,4* |
60,0 |
55,5 |
Romberg test, sec |
19,9 |
14,9** |
16,0 |
36,3* |
30,7 |
23,7 |
22,7 |
Flexibility, cm |
7,0 |
6,1** |
10,1 |
9.3 |
6,5 |
6,2 |
11,3* |
2,600 m run, min |
12,6 |
12,9 |
12,4* |
15,0** |
12,8 |
13,5 |
13,3 |
Harvard step test index |
82,4 |
87,5* |
73,7 |
86,2 |
80,9 |
86,2 |
77,5** |
* – maximum indicator; ** – minimum indicator.
It should be also noted, that representatives of some sports disciplines demonstrated a considerable polarity of results in various tests. Thus, despite karate students got the best results in two control exercises, they set up a peculiar record of performance indicator values the level of which appeared to be the lowest in experiment (7 tests, Table 1). In spite of the fact that the body conditioning group representatives did not show the best results in any of tests, they were in the last place only twice (in sit-ups and in shuttle run).
Results of testing of physical fitness and working capacity initial levels of the exploratory experiment subjects reflect certain relationships in improvement of special physical qualities typical for a certain type of sports activity.
Presently, the exploratory experiment continues, and the final choice of physical education and sports activity type for further research can be made only after a repeated testing carried out according to the organizational and technical plan of the study.
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