Features of motor qualities of students of Baikal region with regard to their somatotypes



Dr.Med, Professor M.M. Kolokol'tsev
National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk

Keywords: students, somatotype, motor qualities, physical culture.

The critical decline of health of students has made it more relevant to conduct a scientific research of integrative issues of medicine, biology, anthropology, physical culture and sport [1]. On the territory of the Baikal region, which includes the territory of the Irkutsk region, the state of health of the people is worsened by a difficult socio-economic situation and the adverse natural-climatic and ecological situation. The latter is confirmed by the fact that 6 cities in the region are part of the 20 most ecologically unfavorable cities of the Russian Federation [8].

At present physical education is regarded as a fairly effective, non-medical method of public health improvement. Physical education of university students in Russia is an inseparable part of their higher education, the result of a complex pedagogical influence on the personality of a future specialist in the course of formation of his professional competence [2, 3 ,5]

However, the currently existing in the country methodology of physical education classes is not equally effective for everyone, because the study groups combine students with different levels of physical fitness, development, somatotypes and, accordingly, physical working capacity. The dramatic decline in the level of physical fitness of students and therefore a decrease of their health indicate the inadequacy of the organization of physical education in higher schools. In this regard, the problem of scientific improvement of the educational process is acute at all physical education departments. Modern concepts of the theory and methodology of physical education match in the necessity of considering the individual characteristics of the development and typological status of the body of those engaged [3]. In recent years, researches regarding the relationship of motor abilities of female students with regard to the constitutional characteristics of their body have been conducted in the Baikal region [4]. At the same time similar issues among male students have never been thoroughly studied. In this regard, it is still relevant to investigate the issues of the relationship between physical fitness and typological characteristics of the male students' body constitution (natives of the Baikal region) using the somatotype division scheme of Nikityuk B.A. and Kozlov A.I. (1990) [4] considering the age of the students.

The purpose of the study was to identify the features of the interrelations between the motor qualities and the somatotype characteristics of young men, natives of the Baikal region, for the purpose of individualization of educational and independent studies in physical education.

Materials and methods. Using the method of V.V. Bunak (1941), anthropometric measurements (body length and weight, chest circumference, shoulder width) in students of Irkutsk State Technical University (IrSTU) were carried out. A total of 1286 boys of slavic nationalities, natives of the Irkutsk region at the age of 17-20 was examined, of which 996 were assigned to the 1-st (main) and 290 to the 2-nd (preparatory) functional health groups for physical education classes. The method of B.A. Nikityuk and A.I. Kozlov (1990) was applied as one of somatotype schemes [6]. It is based on the analysis of the length-width indices ratio of the human body. In order to find the relative width of the shoulders in males the following formula was used: shoulder width / body length x 100. The information on the body metabolism was obtained by analyzing the values of measuring characteristics of development of the fat component. The most significant are the following 4 skinfolds: below the inferior angle of the scapula, on backside of the shoulder, abdominal skinfold on the right side of the navel, and on the lateral surface of the tibia. Since the absolute values of the skinfold thickness depend on the overall dimensions of the body, in this somatotype scheme we were using the total thickness of the four skinfolds as a percentage of the body length. This technique is informative, it has an advantage over the subjective schemes of somatotype diagnostics and is convenient to use for assessment of the morphological characteristics of the body.

According to the research methods in the studied male population the range of the characteristic changes is divided into intervals (-М-3s, -М-0,67s); (М-0,67s, М+0,67s); (М+0,67s, М+Зs), where M – arithmetic mean value, s – standard deviation. Then there was determined the interval to which this or that particular attribute belongs. In case if the indices distribution law is close to normal, the interval (М-0,67s, М+0,67s) will include around 50% of the values of a given feature and approximately 25% will be attributed to the "marginal" groups [6].

Thus, there the subjected boys are grouped in the following way: dolicho-, meso- and brachymorphs, based on the relative width of the shoulders; hypo-, normo- and hypertrophs, based on the relative thickness of the skinfold. A somatotype characterized by the match of the characteristics of dolichomorphy and hypotrophy is regarded as asthenic; mesomorphy and normotrophy – as normosthenic; brachymorphy and hypertrophy – as hypersthenic.

In order to determine the functional health group students were subject to a medical examination carried out by the medical staff of the Irkutsk outpatients' clinic №11 to which the students of IrSTU were attributed to. The division into functional health groups for university physical education classes was conducted by physicians in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 9, 2010 N 613n, Moscow "On the approval of the medical care procedure during physical culture and sports activities". A computer database was formed based on the study, all the calculations of the parameters were performed using the application package «Statistica 6.0». A software package "Analysis of the data of the public physical health" (State registration of the computer program № 2010612275, dated 26.03.2010) was developed for optimization, analysis and computerization of the calculations of the primary digital data.

The basic motor qualities of young men were evaluated using the tests developed by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture [8]. Speed was estimated using 100 m race (sec); speed endurance and agility - shuttle run 10 times × 5 m (sec); strength and the upper body muscles strength endurance - pull-ups (reps.); speed-strength endurance of the torso flexor muscles - crunches (reps.); flexibility - torso bending (cm); lower extremity dynamic muscle strength - long jump (cm); endurance - 1000 meters run (m/s).

Arithmetic mean of indicators, M, standard deviation, s, standard error, m were calculated. In accordance with the recommendations of Rebrova O.Yu. [7] parametric methods of data processing were used in our work, taking into account the normal Gaussian distribution of the studied quantitative traits in all age groups. Significance of the mean values differences of independent samples was assessed using the Student t-test. The differences between the parameters values at P <0.05 were considered statistically significant.

Results of the study. Boys of various somatotypes differ in terms of motor abilities of the body. The best performance values in speed endurance and agility (shuttle run 10 times × 5 m) were registered in 18-year-old boys classified as dolichomorphic hypotrophs (asthenics) - 15,4±0,2 sec, the worst result - in 19-year-old representatives of the same type, but classified as hypertrophs (17,3±0,2 sec, Р<0,05). During the analysis of the indicator values of another motor quality of speed – the "100 m run" test - there was noted a similar pattern of the characteristics distribution (Р<0,05).

In the total endurance test – “1000 m run” – the best results belonged to 20-year-old boys of mesomorphic-normotrophic body type. On average, they ran the distance in 3:44.7±0:02.1 min. As for 19-year-olds representatives with dolichomorphic hypertrophic body type it took them 4:5.3 ± 0:16.4 min to run this distance, which is 17.2% longer (Р<0,05).

As for general endurance, boys of other body types occupy an intermediate position among these somatotypes. At the same time students of all body types, when reaching the age of 19-20, have the level of general endurance increased, due to the most active period of physical education classes at the university department. In the "pull-ups" test, which characterizes strength of the upper body muscles, the best values were registered in 20-year-old representatives of normosthenic mesomorphic somatotype (12,3±0,4 reps.), whereas19-year-old representatives of hypertrophic dolichomorphic body type showed 1.7 times lower results (7,0±2,8 reps). The positive dynamics of the age related increase of this indicator was observed in all the somatotypes except for those with hypertrophic mesomorphic and brachymorphic body types (Р<0,05), which is probably associated with their significant body weight.

When testing speed-strength endurance of torso muscles ("crunches" test), no significant differences were found among the young people of different body types at any age, which is apparently due to the lack of interrelation between this particular motor quality and the body type characteristics in this period of the body ontogenesis.

The highest flexibility indices ("torso bending" test) were registered in 20-years old hypertrophs with mesomorphic body type (20,4 ± 1,4 cm) and the lowest in 18-year olds hypotrophs with dolichomorphic somatotype (13,1 ± 3,4 cm). A significant increase in flexibility in the age group of 17 to 20, associated with training sessions at the Department of Physical Education, was found in 6 out of 9 somatotypes.

The highest index value in the "standing long jump" test , which characterizes the lower extremity dynamic strength, was recorded in 19-year-old boys classified as hypotrophyc-brachymorphic body types (248,1 ± 5,2 cm) and the lowest - in boys with hypertrophic dolichomorphic body type (224,8 ± 6,2 cm). A positive age related dynamics of the results in this test was noted only in boys in 5 out of 9 somatotypes indicating the need for increasing of the load for this particular muscle group during academic and independent classes of physical education.


1. Students of different constitutional somatotypes have type-specific features of biomechanics of exercises - its leading physical abilities and qualities developed using a specific set of exercises and techniques, their motor modes in the university curriculum and independent health-improving classes of physical education.

2. In most cases, students of brachymorphic and mesomorphic somatotypes have an advantage over their peers of other somatotypes, especially in the levels of development of general endurance, strength, speed and strength abilities and flexibility. Boys with dolichomorphic somatotype have significantly better results in speed and coordination tests (10x5 shuttle run and 100m run tests).

3. Proceeding from the findings one should take into account somatotypological characteristics of students to use differentiated physical training of students at academic classes and independent classes of physical education.


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Corresponding author: mihkoll@mail.ru