Intensity of exercise in competitive matches of combat sambo wrestlers



Ph.D. V.V. Romanov1
I.E. Vasil'kov1
A.I. Vasil'kov1
Honoured Master of Sports of Russia D.S. Savel'ev2
1Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, Velikie Luki
2National Mineral Resources University "Mining University", St. Petersburg


Keywords: combat sambo, competitive fight, load, intensity, heart rate monitor.

Introduction. Combat sambo is technically a rather complex and diverse sport which combines punching and kicking techniques, throwing techniques in a combat stance, wrestling techniques on the ground, asphyxiating and pain-inflicting holds. Such a variety of technical and tactical arsenal imposes strict requirements for the conduction of a competitive fight in combat sambo. The complexity and diversity of the techniques used, the acyclic nature of the muscular activity, the presence of relative relaxation breaks - all this complicates the measurement of the load according to its duration and intensity [1, 2].

It is very difficult to measure the load in combat sambo wrestlers in specific conditions of competitive and training fights. Due to the specifics of the fight one cannot determine the amount of load within a microcycle based on the volume and intensity, as in other sports. Obviously, in wrestling it is advisable to focus on the physiological shift in the body caused by a competitive fight. The importance of this approach is caused by the fact that the integrated assessment of the abilities of a wrestler for the implementation of a set of specific motor skills in the conditions of intense muscular activity can be reliably conducted only in the conditions similar to a competitive fight [4, 7].

In the methodological and technical literature there is enough information on the studies of the adaptation of the cardiovascular system to the specific and non-specific loads in sambo wrestlers [1,3,5,6,8]. In our studies, HR was measured during the training fights of combat sambo wrestlers.

The purpose of the study was to determine the level of intensity of competitive fights in combat sambo wrestlers during the pre-season and to compare the results with the indices of highly skilled sports sambo wrestlers.

Materials and methods. Based on the foregoing we conducted experimental studies on the characteristics of the intensity of competitive fights of combat sambo wrestlers and sports sambo wrestlers with the use of a heart rate monitor. The study was carried out at the Department of "Health and safety, theory and methodology of martial arts" VLSAPCS during the training process in the pre-season period, as well as on the basis of the World Sambo Academy in Kstovo in a sambo wrestlers training camp. The study involved 5 sambo student-wrestlers specializing in combat sambo (Candidates for Master of Sports (CMS) and Masters of Sports(MS) and first-string players of the Russia's national sambo team (MS, IMS (International Master of Sports), HMS (Honoured Master of Sports).

The research methods involved in the study were analysis of scientific literature; pedagogical observation and testing.

A Polar Team System heart rate monitor was used during the observations.

It should be noted that combat sambo and sports sambo are contact martial arts that are characterized by applying holds, strikes, technical actions, accompanied by collisions and falls. However, this fact did not affect the proper operation of the Polar sensors, which continued registering the cardiac impulse, even if, due to the mentioned above circumstances, they were sliding down from the attachment points on the chest.

Results and discussion. Studies have shown that the heart rate monitor applied helps determine the individual response of athletes to the intensity of individual elements of the training load, simulating the competitive activity. The intensity of competitive fights, registered with the help of a Polar Team System heart rate monitor varied. Figure 1 shows the individual performance indices of the fight intensity in 5 combat sambo wrestlers of the CMS and MS qualifications.

Fig.1. Competitive fights intensity in combat sambo wrestlers

In our case the load intensity was estimated as medium and high. The heart rate value in the skilled combat sambo wrestlers in competitive fights ranged from 137 to 173 beats/min.

According to the pedagogical observation, it was found that, on average, during a fight, the wrestlers carried out 8 - 9 attempts of technical actions assessed by judges - in the stance, including throwing and striking techniques, and on the ground (pain holds, asphyxiating, pinning down).

A similar study was conducted with elite sport sambo wrestlers within the theoretical and methodological support of Russia's national teams in order to determine the load level at the final stage of training for the World Cup in Narita (Japan). The obtained results were compared with the intensity indices of the competitive fights among combat sambo wrestlers.

Fig. 2. The intensity of training fights in stance of the training camp participants at the final stage of training for the World Sambo Championship

Fig. 2 shows the intensity of training fights in stance, which ranged from 105 beats/min to 176 beats/min. In general, we can say that the load matches the capabilities of the wrestlers and is optimal, as the athletes fought a series of 3-5 fights with 3-minutes rest intervals. At the same time the peak heart rate values were registered right after technical actions, as well as during counterattacks.

Conclusion. Having conducted a comparative analysis we found that the method of the load intensity assessment in competitive fights among skilled combat sambo wrestlers during their traning for competitions can be considered effective for the management of the training process, just as much as in sports sambo. Studies conducted by us with the combat sambo wrestlers in similar conditions, showed similar results, depending on the athlete's weight category.


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