Attitude of future physical education teachers to the use of methods of reward and punishment
Dr.Hab., Professor A.M. Kuz'min
Dr.Hab., Professor A.V. Eganov
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
The purpose of the research was to analyze the opinion of future teachers of physical education about using the method of reward and punishment in the system of modern education.
The process of training of students of a university of physical education (future trainers, physical education teachers) to teach in the conditions of university vocational education has its own specifics. The effectiveness of performance of a sports teacher largely depends his own professional attitude, as well as the ability to take adequate teaching measures towards his students. The method of reward and punish-ment is among the most frequently used in sport and sports pedagogics. The adequacy of using it deter-mines the effectiveness of all educational efforts of a sports teacher, as it affects the training motivation level of students and largely contributes to the formation of their stable life value system. More than 100 full-time students of Ural State University of Physical Culture (Chelyabinsk) majoring in "Physical Edu-cation" were subjected to research. The method of survey was applied to identify the students' attitude to such an aspect of training (reward and punishment) as punishment with exercise and cultivation of nega-tive motivation. The survey has revealed the presence of stereotypes among students regarding using the examined method.
Keywords: future teacher of physical education, educational process, training process, methods of reward and punishment.
Introduction. Analysis of modern psychological and educational researches shows that humanistic goals of the modern educational system actualize the problem of positive adaptation of an individual in the context of changing social reality [1].
It is important to create favorable conditions for successful development and self-actualization of students in order to provide effective cooperation with them, mutual influence on personal characteristics of each other and free exchange of experiences. Therefore, in the process of training in a higher education institution a future teacher should pay attention to the development of abilities required for the formation of individual professional style and constructive behavior [2, p. 13].
However, the methods which the subjects of the educational process choose for achieving set pedagogical objectives are often not very constructive.
The purpose of the research was to analyze the opinion of future physical education teachers about using the method of reward and punishment in the system of modern education.
Materials and methods. The research was conducted among the full-time 2-4-year students majoring in "Physical Education" of Ural State University of Physical Culture in the 2014/2015 academic year. The experimental group consisted of 102 people.
We conducted a survey with the purpose of initial study of the personal experience of students and their attitudes to such an aspect of training (reward and punishment) as punishment with exercise and cultivation of negative motivation. Future physical education teachers were asked the following questions:
– Do you agree that students should be punished for misbehavior?
– Do you accept punishment of students with exercise as future physical education teachers?
– Have you ever been punished with exercise during your sports career?
– Do you punish your students with exercise for disciplinary offences (for the students who have started teaching)?
– Will you use punishment with exercise in your work (for the students not involved in teaching yet)?
– Do you use methods of negative motivation during classes as a future bachelor of physical education?
– Have you ever been subjected to the methods of negative motivation as a student?
Despite the fact that the survey was conducted anonymously, the students often manifested their desire to engage in a discussion with researchers about asked questions: make comments, ask something in turn and express their agreement (or disagreement).
Results and discussion. Absolutely all respondents agreed on the necessity of applying methods of reward and punishment. The common opinion on the matter was that rejection of these methods may entail poor discipline in the classroom, a sense of injustice due to the trainer's actions and an immediate loss of credibility on the part of students, their parents and the administration of an educational institution.
The study showed that only a small portion of respondents (10 %) spoke against the punishment of athletes (students) with exercises and additional physical load. The vast majority (90 %) approved this kind of punishment. The disputes among the students were very lengthy and emotional. It is noteworthy that during the discussion the students who found themselves in a minority (in each academic group) were condemned by their classmates with the opposite point of view that such punishment is necessary. However, the researchers believe that this approach to professional activities is unacceptable, because a teacher strives to shape only a positive attitude to physical activity within the educational process and, therefore, it is inefficient to punish students with what is supposed to produce positive emotions. Such contradiction may trigger a cognitive dissonance, which, in turn, can lead to a loss of interest in sports and a lack of motivation and undermine the authority of a teacher (trainer). We managed to successfully resolve all the conflict situations.
We also received detailed explanations regarding the reasons of agreement or disagreement of students with the use of punishment with exercise. Obviously, those students who agreed with such kind of punishment didn't come to that understanding on their own. This approach was simply adopted by future bachelors of physical education due to one of the protective mechanisms of the psyche - the identification, which as you know is a direct copying of desirable (attractive) traits and actions of an authoritative interlocutor.
Our first attempt to change students' mind about the appropriateness of this method of impact resulted in active denial of any arguments against the use of physical activity as punishment in the training process. Note that we used the method of persuasion focused on reasons, arguments and facts, and counted on open cooperation and the use of counterarguments. But early in the discussion the students used only the method of suggestion without any counterarguments.
Having realized that they had failed to change the opinion of researchers, the students, who seemed slightly irritated, finally provided the following examples as arguments. After a trainer, who had punished an athlete with push-ups, executed the exercise himself, simultaneously with the athlete, this raised the respect for the trainer among the athletes. The students who served in the Russian army gave a similar example concerning the relationship in the company. Another example was about a trainer who punished the whole team for the offence of one person. That trainer also got athletes' respect as they considered his action humane and good for team spirit and self-esteem. So those who gave these examples regarded the discussed form of punishment very constructive.
But some of respondents agreed with the researchers. Those students had personal experience of being punished with exercise and so they did not want to use this method in their work (future or present one). They thought it is unfair to punish the whole team due to the guilt of one person and that it could cause conflicts in the training group (class). In the absence of a trainer such conflicts can become even worse. Also those students didn't understand why a trainer should execute a "punishing" exercise and that would be completely irrational.
We also asked students whether they use negative motivation in their pedagogical activity. All students of the University accept this kind of motivation. They believe that the negative stimulus is effective since the threat of regulatory impacts brings fast results and allows maintaining discipline among athletes (students); some respondents noted that they cannot tell the difference between the display of fear and the display of respect from the part of their students. According to the respondents, negative motivation is also an evidence of teacher's fairness that contributes to the formation of the positive image of him.
Next we asked, whether the students have been subjected to the methods of negative motivation during training or competitions and the responses showed that all of them had such an experience. So, the identification mechanism was triggered once again as the students were imitating the actions, behavior (and, as it turned out, gestures and even facial expressions) of their mentors. Note that the interviewed students were using only negative motivation in conflict situations without consideration of the educational effect of positive motivation.
When discussing the adverse impact of negative motivation we described the emotional states a child may experience as a result of that, including, for example, anxiety. The students were not aware that high level of anxiety eventually can be transformed into personal anxiety and raise the level of frustration. In fact, constant negative stimulation can cause stress and prolonged experience of negative emotions can lead to depression. To be fair, negative motivation is very effective with relation to pedagogical activity, however, it is not appropriate to use it constantly.
While discussing this situation with students, we explained that the contentious issues can be resolved in different ways. We gave some examples on the use of positive motivation in conflict situations within educational, training and competitive processes, including that very discussion. The students recognized that this approach was effective and noted its constructive pedagogical impact and their own psychological comfort during the argument. Many students agreed that one can obtain justice by encouraging positive behavior and compliance with rules. The students also mentioned that many teachers of the University used negative motivation and punishment with exercise for disciplinary offences (tardiness, failures, etc.) and such measures often seemed unfair.
The findings of the study suggest that future bachelors of physical education really agree with the active use of punishment and negative stimulation in the educational process. After some discussions and consultations, the subjects no longer had strong view on the matter, which proves that prolonged psychological educational work can give a more stable affirmative result.
Conclusions. In the modern educational process (both school and university) the use of punishment with additional physical load is widespread. As shown by our study, the vast majority of students of the University accept this approach, because their teachers use similar educational methods. When students act as teachers (trainers) they are often confident in their actions and so they don't rely on promotion of good behavior as a method of influence. But, when the students face negative motivation themselves they sometimes doubt in the correctness of such methods. It seemed possible to change the opinions of respondents via psychological and pedagogical interaction with them. And the most effective argument in favor of creating a constructive motivation and application of a method of rewarding was researchers’ personal example. Therefore, further experimental work in this direction can have a positive impact on the system of values of students of Ural University of Physical Culture and achieve lasting pedagogical effect.
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