Concept of assessment of management of confidence of market relations in sports business
Dr.Hab., Professor A.F. Popova
Associate professor, Ph.D. A.A. Popova
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
Keywords: concept, assessment, management, trust, market relations, sports business.
Introduction. Nowadays the problem of trust is among the most relevant in any sphere of the national economy, as its settlement positively affects the competitiveness and business activity of economic entities [8].
The research analysis of many authors reveals that the prosperity of Western companies is due to a high "degree" of trust in these countries [3]. Emphasizing this phenomenon, some authors are talking about a crisis of trust in our country, that the problem still has not only lost its relevance, but it also began to exert an increasing influence on the economic development of the field of physical culture and sport [9, p. 24-25].
The purpose of the study was to develop theoretical and methodological frameworks of assessment of the level of trust of market relations in the sports business.
Organization of the study. In the recent years there has been a growing interest in the development of a "theory of trust" in the field of national economy. The multifactority of trust, its connecting role in the sports business, are being increasingly recognized. Its personalized form largely determines the social capital of organizations, their assets in the system of physical culture and sport. We can also speak about market trust in the financial and credit system of this sector of national economy. This is particularly important for small business, which provides not only the formation of competitive environment and the saturation of solvent demand, but also the necessary structural changes in the economy of sports business (SB), which make a significant contribution to the budgets of different levels.
In the course of the study we have developed the concept of assessment of the market relations trust management (MRT) in the system of SB (Scheme 1). It includes seven blocks, organically linked by the system of backward and forward linkages. Among them: the theoretical foundations of development in the sphere of physical culture and sport (PCS) of the national economy; methodical and organizational preparation of the study; institutional foundations of the development of the theory of MRT preconditions of its origin, market relations trust in the economic structure of PCS, transparency as an assessment criterion of trust in the analyzed field.
The study was based on a number of principles of market economy, which define the trust in relations in physical culture and sports activities. The first principle is to consider sports entrepreneurship in Russia not only as an important economic sector, but also as a sector determining the way of life of the country. The second - it is necessary to build a fiscal policy, other types of support, so that all participants in the sports business could have access to it. The third - to use a comprehensive approach to the budget, to the fiscal and customs tariff regulations, to the issues of liability for the price proportions in this particular field of the national economy [1].
Scheme 1. Foundations of the concept of the market relations trust management in sports business [5]
In this case the following statement should be fundamental: sports business, as a socially significant phenomenon, can effectively carry out its functions in the development of the relationship of trust in the system under the following conditions [7, p. 62-64]:
sports business is systematically oriented to the administrative model of the interaction of the subjects of economic relations, where the administrative-organizing, mutually-coordinating and stimulating components are interconnected;
it is based on scientifically validated methods of distribution of power relations in the entrepreneurship-type integrative education;
and, finally, it is carried out, based on the socio-psychological foundations of conflict prevention and management decisions in the field of PCS.
The weight content of the criteria of the parametric assessment of trust management in the system of sports activity
Parametric criteria |
Maximum |
Assessment |
1. Trust - institute |
(15) |
(8) |
5 |
4 |
1.2. Information management |
5 |
2 |
5 |
2 |
2. Trust - norm |
(15) |
(12) |
5 |
4 |
2.2. Assessment of contracts according to their asset specificity |
5 |
4 |
2.3. Effectiveness of labor remuneration evaluation system |
5 |
4 |
3. Trust – factor |
(15) |
(13) |
3.1. Risk in the course of sports business realization |
5 |
4 |
3.3. Communicative assessment of business success achievement |
5 |
5 |
4. Trust - principle |
(15) |
(4) |
5 |
1 |
4.2. Trust - attention |
5 |
2 |
4.3. Effectiveness of decision making process |
5 |
1 |
5. Trust - stimulus |
(15) |
(3) |
5 |
1 |
5.2. Leadership and corporate culture |
5 |
1 |
5.3. Effectiveness of process of creation of value chain within franchise network system |
5 |
1 |
6. Overall assessment of trust management |
75 |
40 |
7. Trust index |
0,53 (40 : 75) |
Results and discussion. In the process of the experimental work the importance of the level of trust relationship has been evaluated from the standpoint of physical culture and sports organizations. The survey involved 320 people - inhabitants of the Southern Urals, directly or indirectly related to the activities of these organizations.
The first task for the respondents was as follows: to arrange in order of importance (from the standpoint of achieving business success) paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 entitled in the table. The second task was to rate the current - in your opinion - trust relationship on a five-point scale.
In accordance with the results of the questionnaire, trust at the level of the working environment in sports organizations is ranked first. This is followed by: intraorganizational trust and trust at the level of the external (non-working) environment.
The latter is represented in the form of macrolevel, sectoral and regional levels. Their assessment on a five-point scale was 3,0; 3,5; 3,6. This is a fairly low score compared to intraorganizational trust (4.1) and trust at the level of the working environment (4, 2).
Based on the data of our questionnaire we can "build" a policy in the sphere of ensuring the growth of the trust relationship by various authorities of meso and macro levels. Yet the greatest significance goes to the credibility at the micro level (including the level of the working environment of physical culture and sports organizations) - the level where corporate management of market relations trust is carried out. The management which is determined not only by the system of integration, but also by economic and social managements. Indirectly, we can talk about pedagogical management of MRT, organically linked with the system of training and retraining of the relevant personnel. [2] Emphasizing that, some authors are rightly talking about the "theory of management of pedagogical systems", the concept of management of physical culture and sports organizations and management of social systems [4].
Within the above mentioned concept the corporate management is presented in the following form: the features of the satisfactory MRT control method, the development of these relations on the basis of sports business modeling, the substantiation of the basic types of departamentisation of corporate management. This term refers to a group of look-alike works and their creators [6]. From the standpoint of our study, a special role is played by the interconnection of FSA (Federal System of Assessment) with the external environment through market relations trust.
During the study a satisfactory method of management of trust relationships in the physical culture and sports sector of the national economy has been developed. It combines all the previously mentioned MRT corporate management methods and includes the construction of the MRT "parametric profile" the methodological aspects of which can be seen in the table data.
Conclusion. The achieved level of trust in the system of sports activity is the core of business activity, the basis of the sports business, changes management, because the competitiveness of an organization does not result from of its virtues but rather from its ability to create new advantages in the face of new risks and opportunities.
Reforming of the physical culture and sports sector of national economy, that has been carried out in our country for almost twenty years, is associated not only with resource-based but also with organizational risks. This risk, which is based on innovation, is determined by the mistakes in personnel placement, the wrong choice of specialization and financial uncertainty. Some of the losses are directly or indirectly linked to the lack of trust in the system of sports activity that must be gained on the sports business market.
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