Nonspecific adaptive capacity of junior athletes when changing latitude
Ph.D., associate professor V.V. Apokin
Ph.D., associate professor A.A. Povzun
Dr.Hab., Professor V.D. Povzun
Ph.D., associate professor O.V. Bulgakova
Surgut State University KhMAR-Yugra, Surgut
Keywords: biorhythm, chronobiological analysis, adaptive response, nonspecific adaptive capability, autonomic tone, physical load.
The need of junior athletes living in the northern territories of Russia to fly to other regions of the country for training camps that has to do primarily with insufficiently developed infrastructure, as well as the change in the state of functional and adaptive capabilities of the body in case of such flights has already been discussed by us [11, 12]. Assessing the impact of time zones offset on the adaptive capabilities of young athletes and comparing the change of the structure of biorhythms of the main physiological parameters of the blood circulation system after a flight [11], we noted very high stability of the rhythm and absence of any significant adjustments of the autonomic status associated with the flight either way.
On the one hand, we have never had such a stable result in our practice, since time zones offset, undoubtedly, incurs consequences and in any case requires urgent adaptation [8, 6, 13]. Moreover, physical loads and emotional stress, athletes, especially young ones, are being regularly subject to, may cause notable physiological changes in the body, and reduced adaptive capabilities of the body can be a "physiological cost" for results obtained in sport [4, 5]. And finally, the climatic and geographical conditions, which surely are not exactly favorable, have not the best effect on the adaptive capabilities of athletes. Despite the high level of functional parameters and sports mastery these adaptive capabilities and hence the “reserve” of health, remain at the level which unfortunately cannot be called high [1, 9, 10].
On the other hand, a different approach was needed to explain such a high stability of the rhythm, as a direct analysis of the rhythm, even if urgent adjustments are taking place in the body, gives an indication only of the current state of its adaptive capability and cannot serve as basis of a long-term forecast which is far more important both for athletes and their trainer. Criteria of nonspecific adaptive capabilities developed on the basis of analyzing the structure of the circadian biological rhythms can serve as a degree of direct adaptation and a basis for such a forecast [3]. It became the goal of our work to obtain such a long-term forecast.
To do this, we tried to assess the effect of zone time change on the state of nonspecific adaptive capabilities of athletes using the biorhythmological approach, by comparing the change in the coefficients of nonspecific adaptive capabilities of basic physiological indicators of the blood circulation system after a flight across several time zones in a team of track and field athletes residing and practicing in the conditions of the KhMAR-Yugra.
To analyze the rhythm of physiological indicators the results obtained during work were used [11]. The data obtained were subjected to standard mathematical processing using FARS software application [2]. To calculate the biorhythmological criteria of nonspecific adaptive capability [3], daily average curves of changes in acrophases of the studied indicators were created and then analyzed in turn every three days of the research, calculating the following: organization degree of the ordinary daily curve criterion (OC), permanence degree of the curve structure criterion in consecutive studies (PC) and variability criterion (VC). The functional assessment using the criteria was done by marking three digits corresponding to OC, PC and VC. In case of a good adaptation level the organization degree criterion (OC) ranged from 3.3 to 4.0, the permanence degree criterion (PC) – from 7/9 to 9/9, the variability criterion (VC) ranged from 3 to 4. The results of calculating the variations of the criteria are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Changes in the criteria of nonspecific adaptive capability of the cardiovascular system indicators of junior athletes of Surgut after flight and during long-term stay outside of their geographic region and main time zone
HR |
SO |
CO |
PP |
Organization degree of the ordinary daily curve criterion (OC) |
Before flying out |
3.0 |
4.0 |
3.33 |
3.66 |
4.0 |
2.66 |
3.66 |
3 days of staying |
1.33 |
2.66 |
3.33 |
3.66 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
2.66 |
A week of staying |
2.0 |
3.0 |
2.33 |
3.66 |
3.66 |
3.66 |
3.33 |
Before coming back |
2.0 |
4.0 |
3.66 |
3.0 |
3.66 |
3.33 |
3.66 |
At home |
2.66 |
2.66 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
3.33 |
3.66 |
2.33 |
Permanence degree of the curve structure criterion (PC) |
Before flying out |
5/9 |
3/9 |
5/9 |
3/9 |
3/9 |
3/9 |
3/9 |
3 days of staying |
5/9 |
7/9 |
5/9 |
5/9 |
5/9 |
3/9 |
5/9 |
A week of staying |
4/9 |
5/9 |
7/9 |
5/9 |
3/9 |
5/9 |
3/9 |
Before coming back |
9/9 |
9/9 |
7/9 |
3/9 |
7/9 |
5/9 |
7/9 |
At home |
5/9 |
5/9 |
7/9 |
5/9 |
3/9 |
5/9 |
5/9 |
Rate variability criterion (VC) |
Before flying out |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 days of staying |
2 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
A week of staying |
2 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
Before coming back |
2 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
At home |
2 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
We have already analyzed the change in the coefficients of nonspecific adaptive capabilities of athletes in case of time zones offset more than once and in detail, so our overall assessment will be brief. We would like to note right away that the result was quite unexpected for this group, although not unique. It was a surprise that despite the high stability of the indicators of the rhythm itself [11], the state of the criteria reflecting nonspecific adaptive capability of our athletes appeared quite low, and the lack of uniqueness is due to the fact that we had already encountered such a situation before [6, 7, 13] with the only difference that the state of the rhythm of the group that was studied then left much to be desired. We were interested in the lack of obvious connection between a stable rhythm and low coefficients of adaptive capability, as it is unclear whether in this case the invariableness of the rhythm structure reflects a high level of adaptive capabilities, at least in case of urgent adaptation.
In case of our junior group the low values of some criteria explain a lot. For example, the absence of a clearly repetitive rhythm structure indicated by low and quite inconstant PC values does not just confirm our conclusion about the problems with the synchronization in case of time zones offset. We believed [11] that it was the maladjustment of acrophases that took place that was the reaction to the flight and the reason of the start of urgent adaptation, but since the absence of a clear rhythm takes place both before and after the flight, it is not a reaction to it. That means we can talk about an internal desynchronosis, the essence of which is in violation of the natural interrelations of circadian rhythms of various organs and systems of a person not leaving his time zone. After a flight attempts to stabilize the rhythm and hence to activate the adaptation reserve take place, but without much success which cannot but have an impact on the organization of the daily curve. The pronouncement of this curve reflects the rhythm synchronization with external factors and a clear activity alternation in accordance with these factors. We cannot say that the values of OC which characterizes the organization of the curve are low, but its sharp fluctuations indicating regular flattening or straightening of the daily curve can mean an almost continuous readjustment of the rhythm and attempts to synchronize it with the new external factors. In such circumstances the rhythm variability is unlikely to be high. Calculated as a degree of the rhythm amplitude reserve, VC reflects its ability to readjust quickly, that is, actually, its adaptive capability. Absence of any regular changes of this indicator suggests either that the external influence was insignificant or that the body is extremely weak in its attempts to activate its adaptive capability, as its capacity is just not enough. VC values clearly predispose us in favor of the second option.
The final answer to this question can largely depend on how physically strenuous the trip was or whether the children regarded it as a form of entertainment and a change of activity. The answer to that could be provided by functional tests of performance and fatigue or a deeper analysis of the functional state of the cardiovascular system. Such tests should be carried out for one more reason. The question remains about how and by what means urgent adaptation is provided and whether the rhythm changes reflect adaptive capabilities.
The state of nonspecific adaptive capability criteria enables us to assert that activation of the adaptation reserve hardly takes place. Perhaps there is no need in it, however, there is no possibility either, since there are signs of quite a significant internal desynchronosis. Nevertheless, the mechanisms that make up for the absence of this possibility work and ensure maintenance of a satisfactory level of the variability criteria of PP and CO - indicators that reflect the ultimate functionality of the blood circulation system as a whole.
We would like to remind that we already faced such situations, and in all the cases as well as in the one currently discussed the picture was accompanied by a shift in the autonomic tone towards sympathicotomy. We paid attention to it as we had started the biorhythmological analysis of this flight with the discussion of the change of the leading parameter of the body state vector (BSV) towards the activation of the central ergotropic and humoral-metabolic mechanisms of heart rate regulation [14], which, according to the authors, reflected the realization of the urgent adaptation of the body to changed conditions.
Hence, objective characteristics of the direction of shift of the autonomic tone can be very important for understanding the biorhythmological assessment of adaptive capabilities of the body, since even a very stable rhythm pattern can be evaluated quite differently and have a variety of physiological effects in case of an autonomic tone shift towards sympathico- or parasympathicotonia. And the method of assessment of the body state vector with its sensitivity can be very useful, since the findings of our rhythmological assessment have not revealed any remarkable results, indicating the shift of the direction of autonomic regulation.
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