Experimental verification of the concept and program of personality-centered physical education of university students
Ph.D., Professor, Honoured coach of Ukraine, Honoured Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine S.I. Belykh
Donetsk National University, Ukraine
Keywords: control and experimental groups, program of personality-centered physical education, physical fitness.
Introduction. The concept and program of personality-centered physical education of students of Donetsk National University has been developed in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sport" and "On Higher Education", considering the domestic and foreign experience. This concept has been evolved in compliance with the "Conceptual framework of development strategy of DonNU for 2012-2014 ". Among the implemented set of technologies they highlight the basic ones [1, 2, 4-6].
To scientifically substantiate the efficiency of the proposed concept and program, it is necessary to conduct an educational research confirming their legitimacy.
The purpose of the study was to experimentally verify the concept and program of implementation of the technologies of personality-centered physical education.
Materials and methods. We created and implemented the pedagogical conditions for realization of the personality-centered approach and the evaluation of physical fitness of students of the experimental - EG (160 boys and 160 girls) and control groups - CG (160 boys and 160 girls) at the beginning of the experiment (September, 2012) [3, 8]. We also determined the specific features of building of the process of physical education in EG. These included phased (from physical culture competency to education) formation of physical culture of an individual; the use of technology of non-professional physical culture education (NPPCE); the use of selective, level differentiation based on objective evaluation of a student's level of physical education by a teacher of the faculty of physical culture and sport, and elective one based on students' personal choice of the depth of assimilation of the theoretical and methodical subject matter of the discipline.
Results and discussion. In order to evaluate educational results, a survey was conducted throughout the implementation of the personality-centered physical education of students of Donetsk National University, which involved the students of CG. We used the questionnaire to assess the level of formation of physical culture activity.
Table 1 presents the results of the survey conducted among the young males of EG after the experiment. Apart from the knowledge needed to bring up and educate their children, all other positions on the existing knowledge are of the 1st (highest) level, the 4th (lowest) level is not available.
Table 1. Answers of young males of EG regarding knowledge needed to carry out physical culture activity, after experiment, %
Type of knowledge |
Level of knowledge according to given answers |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
To improve and preserve own health |
61.25 |
24.37 |
14.38 |
– |
To increase working capacity |
76.25 |
13.13 |
10.62 |
– |
To build up character and will |
74.37 |
19.38 |
6.25 |
– |
To organize leisure-time physical culture activities |
48.75 |
41.87 |
9.38 |
– |
To realize physical education and development of own children |
20.62 |
27.5 |
51.88 |
– |
Similar results were obtained when conducting the survey among the girls of EG (Table 2).
Table 2. Answers of young females of EG regarding knowledge needed to carry out physical culture activity, after experiment, %
Type of knowledge |
Level of knowledge according to given answers |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
To improve and preserve own health |
75.62 |
18.75 |
5.63 |
– |
To increase working capacity |
85 |
15 |
– |
– |
To build up character and will |
40 |
53.13 |
6.87 |
– |
To organize leisure-time physical culture activities |
68.12 |
25.63 |
6.25 |
– |
To realize physical education and development of own children |
64.37 |
26.25 |
9.38 |
Tables 3 and 4 represent the data on the formation in boys and girls of the skills needed to carry out physical culture activities.
Table 3. Answers of young males of EG regarding skills needed to carry out physical culture activity, after experiment, %
Skills |
Yes |
No |
Undecided |
To draw up a program of personal health activities using means of physical culture only |
100 |
– |
– |
To draw up a program of personal training sessions, including different tempering methods, rational nutrition, mindset training, self-massage, etc. |
100 |
– |
– |
To include into the program health promotion methods, focused on controlling detected diseases |
75.63 |
6.87 |
17.5 |
To gain new knowledge |
79.87 |
– |
23.13 |
To carry out health self-monitoring |
86.25 |
– |
13.75 |
To draw up a program of health improving exercises for friends and family |
39.38 |
– |
60.62 |
To draw up a program of personal health activities using means of physical culture only |
32.5 |
28.75 |
38.75 |
To administer first aid |
32.5 |
28.75 |
38.75 |
As is seen, while the boys and girls were acquiring the necessary knowledge, which upon the experiment corresponded to the 1st and 2nd levels, the relevant skills were developing in them, as evidenced by the data from tables 3 and 4.
Table 4. Answers of young males of EG as to skills needed to carry out physical and sports activities, after experiment, %
Skills |
Yes |
No |
Undecided |
To draw up a program of personal health activities using means of physical culture only |
100 |
– |
– |
To draw up a program of personal training sessions, including different tempering methods, rational nutrition, mindset training, self-massage, etc. |
97.5 |
– |
2.5 |
To include into the program health promotion methods, focused on controlling detected diseases |
86.25 |
– |
13.75 |
To gain new knowledge |
78.75 |
– |
21.25 |
To carry out health self-monitoring |
83.13 |
– |
16.87 |
To draw up a program of health improving exercises for friends and family |
63.12 |
– |
36.88 |
To draw up a program of personal health activities using means of physical culture only |
8.12 |
28.13 |
63.75 |
According to the data from Tables 3 and 4, the skills needed to organize and carry out their own physical culture activities have already been developed in most students of EG before the end of the experiment. Exception to this applies where first aid is given, which should be brought into focus hereafter.
Summing up the results of the educational experiment, it should be emphasized that personality-centered physical education made it possible to close the gap between knowledge and skills. The students of EG had significantly better skills of physical culture activities [7, 9].
The comparative indicators of the dynamics of changes in physical fitness values throughout the educational experiment in the control and experimental groups are adduced in Table. 5.
Table 5. Increment of physical fitness indices throughout educational experiment in control and experimental groups, %
Test |
Girls |
Boys |
EG |
CG |
EG |
CG |
1.35 |
-1.40 |
1.08 |
-1.05 |
-1.59 |
-4.39 |
-0.95 |
-2.62 |
-1.82 |
-2.27 |
0.79 |
-2.96 |
-1.25 |
-2.11 |
-1.62 |
-3.57 |
2.21 |
-3.04 |
1.23 |
-1.83 |
7.09 |
1.73 |
6.67 |
-2.46 |
-0.58 |
-4.90 |
2.23 |
-1.60 |
6.14 |
-3.35 |
5.75 |
0.36 |
3.86 |
-4.73 |
4.26 |
-6.61 |
Note. The data in % show the increment of the physical fitness indices, and those with the minus mark – their deterioration.
Of all the 1st- and 4th-year university students, surveyed prior to starting the experiment, only 11.11% of young males and 3.99% of young females gathered the maximum number of points reflecting the level of their physical culture activity. That is, the criteria of readiness to carry out proper physical culture activity were met by 7.54% of the 1st- and 4th-year students, regardless of their gender. This can be deemed as an alarming trend, which indicates low efficiency of the body-oriented physical education. The number of students of DonNU, who according to the educational experiment were ready to carry out their physical culture activity, amounted to 25.2%, which is comparable with similar values obtained at universities in advanced countries [3].
Conclusion. The personality-centered approach applied in the university educational process had a significant impact on the students' outlook, physical fitness, and mental state, as a result of which their value-conscious attitude to physical education was developed.
The prospects for future research include the possibility of introducing the personality-centered physical education of students in Donetsk National University.
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Corresponding author: sportkafedra.donnu@gmail.com