Experimental studies of the relationship of training effects, conditions and competitive activity of boxers



Dr.Hab., Professor G.I. Mokeev1
Dr.Hab., associate professor G.V. Rudenko2
Dr.Med., Professor E.G. Mokeeva3
Associate professor, Ph.D. I.A. Panchenko2
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa
2National Mineral Resources University "Mining University", St. Petersburg
3National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg


Keywords: boxing, pre-season training phase, relationships, training effects, competitive activity.

Introduction. Effective management of the training process of skilled boxers is impossible without the knowledge of the structure of the training and competitive activity and the status, without taking into account their interrelations. Knowing these interrelations one can arrange training process more rationally and sensibly and hence manage it more effectively [1,2].

The purpose of the study was to improve the pre-season training of skilled boxers by identifying the relationships between training effects, state of boxers and competitive activity.

Organization of the study. The study was conducted with boxers of higher categories (first category holders and candidates for masters of sport) and masters of sport during their pre-season training phase, as well as during the competition. The studied parameters of training activities included the amount and intensity of the total load of the pre-season phase as well as the load parameters in the following groups of exercises: conditioning training (CT), special training (ST), using boxing equipment (BE), aimed at technical and tactical skills improvement (TTSI), conditional fights (CF), competition fights – freestyle fighting and sparring (FFS).

The basic load parameters were determined using the method developed by Mokeev G.I., Nikiforov Yu.B., Chernyak A.V. (1977-1986)1.

Results and discussion. According to the common rules of the training process organization it is necessary to observe an efficient ratio of general and special means of training in the pre-season training phase. On the one hand, it is necessary to use conditioning exercises so that boxers could recover faster after a hard special workout, and on the other hand, it is impractical to use CT in large amounts as it would hinder the training process by reducing the amount of work on the TTSI with a partner.

It is reasonable to assume that the CT volumes at this stage of training are rather inflated and need to be a significantly reduced. The available experience in training and experimental studies confirms this assumption. For example, an increase in special training up to 60% has proved to be very effective due to an excellent physical condition detected in athletes, accompanied by an excellent performance at competitions.

Let us analyze the relationships between the indicators of training and competitive activity. The latter has been studied using the methods developed Frolov O.P. [4] and Nikiforov Yu.B. [3].

CT has the biggest amount of the significantly identified relationships with the indicators of competitive activity. However, a positive relationship with the workout of general orientation was noted only with the endurance coefficients (r=0,52). The rest of the interrelations were negative: with the effectiveness of defensive actions (r=-0,53), preparatory actions (r=-0,54) and situational actions (r=-0,56), with the short range attack efficiency (r=-0,69).

So CT has an ambiguous effect on athletes. These exercises help increase endurance and at the same time minimize the amount of growth in many relevant indicators of competitive activity. Hence, there is a need for expedient use of CT with regard to the mentioned influence on a smaller scale.

It has been determined that ST helps develop the punching force, as well as improves the efficiency of the preparatory actions and counter-attacks. Exercises with the use of the boxing equipment increase the power of serial punches and endurance (r ranges from 0,57 to 0,63). At the same time, these exercises can reduce the effectiveness of any preparatory and situational actions. Therefore it is mandatory to comply with the principle of "optimum-minimum" in the ratio of these exercises.

TTSI with a partner has the most diverse impact on athletes. The use of these exercises has a positive effect on the efficiency of attack actions in melee combat, the effectiveness of the preparatory and situational actions, as well as increases endurance. And endurance is largely affected by the intensity of the exercises, rather than by their volume. It should be emphasized that the exercises of TTSI with a partner are highly effective in enriching the tactical skill range. These important skills are also developed through competition exercises, while improving the effectiveness of offensive and defensive actions.

Thus, the effect of the applied exercises on the essential indicators of boxers' competitive activity has been identified. Knowing these features one can choose more objectively and purposefully the appropriate means of training. For example, for the development of punching force one would need to use ST with weights as well as exercises involving boxing equipment. At the same time, one should not get carried away with the exercises with the use of the equipment, as this may reduce the effectiveness of his preparatory and situational actions, "desensitizing" the most sensitive characteristics of a boxer, such as “sense” of distance, accuracy and punching speed, etc. TTSI and FFS exercises are essential for the development and improvement of specific qualities and skills. It is suffice to say that with just these exercises one can effectively develop such an important skill as the timely restructuring of fighting tactics.

Analysis of relationships between the indicators of competitive activity and the fitness level of boxers has revealed a positive and rather close connection between the amount of punches in 10 seconds and 60 seconds tests and the number of punches in a fight. The relative punching power in the first test proved to be associated with the power of single and serial punches, as well as with the efficiency of attacks in close combat (r ranges from 0,58 to 0,72).

There has been found a positive interrelation between the volume of CT with sensorimotor reactions. However, an increase in the volume of CT can reduce their speed and accuracy. In addition, a negative interrelation between the amount of boxing equipment exercises and AR has been detected, which can be explained by the positive impact of these exercises on the accuracy of the reaction to a moving object.

Conclusion. Taking into account the regularities of pre-season training practice stipulated in the paper one can make a more reasonable choice of training techniques and methods to develop and improve certain qualities and skills, as well as for more objective and selective control over the process, which contributes to improved efficiency of this crucial training phase for boxers.


  1. Nikiforov, Yu.B. Struktura trenirovochnoy i sorevnovatel'noy deyatel'nosti bokserov vysokogo klassa (The structure of training and competitive activities of highly skilled boxers) / Yu.B. Nikiforov // Boks: ezhegodnik (Boxing: Yearbook). – Moscow: Fizkul'tura i sport, 1981. – P. 24–27.
  2. Nikiforov, Yu.B. Effektivnost' podgotovki bokserov (Effectiveness of boxer's training) / Yu.B. Nikiforov. – Moscow: Fizkul'tura i sport, 1987. – 192 P.
  3. Frolov, O.P. Izmerenie nekotorykh storon sportivnoy deyatel'nosti metodami informatsii i issledovanija operatsii: avtoref. dis. … kand. ped. nauk (Measurement of certain aspects of sports activity using information methods and operation research: abstract of Ph.D. thesis) / O.P. Frolov. – Moscow: Fizkul'tura i sport, 1972. – 38 P.
  4. Shestakov, K.V. Postroenie trenirovki kikbokserov-yuniorov vysshikh razryadov na etape predsorevnovatel'noy podgotovki: avtoref. dis. … kand. ped. nauk (Top ranked junior kickboxers' training organization in pre-season: abstract of Ph.D. thesis) / K.V. Shestakov. – St. Petersburg, 2009. – 24 P.

Corresponding author: panfilio@spmi.ru


1 The technology is explained in detail in the paper by G.I. Mokeev, A.V. Chernyak, Yu.B. Nikiforov in the "Boxing" yearbook, 1981.