Reasons to include managerial competences in professional physical culture education
Dr.Hab., Professor S.G. Serikov
Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Serikov
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
Keywords: managerial competences, physical culture and sports activities, professional physical culture education, integrated education programs.
Introduction. Professional education in physical culture should be aimed at the design and implementation of educational programs (EPs) which provide the qualified personnel for the sphere of physical culture and sports (PCS). A qualified employee should be able to successfully fulfill professional competences, corresponding to a modern level of requirements of organization of PCS activities for the population [2]. Subject areas related to the management of physical education should become an important element of the EPs of professional physical culture education [4]. Their content is intended to facilitate the assimilation of knowledge related to management of physical education, the design of combined EPs of different purposes and the methods of their implementation within the organization of PCS activities for different population groups.
The purpose of the study was to substantiate the need to include the managerial competences in the content of professional education in physical culture.
Results and discussion. We have chosen the following model as a methodological guideline of systematization of the content related to the management of physical education. We consider the management as a binary "subject – interactive object" relation [3].
A graduate of the Master's course in "Physical Education" (from this point on “master”) is supposed to perform certain duties on the organization of interaction with partners. As a subject of relations with partners, he is empowered to encourage them to active cooperation. In addition, he has certain powers in controlling the partners and his own performance. He should be able to perform managerial functions while introducing a particular social group to PCS activities through the organization of physical education, the design and implementation of EPs, the encouragement of the partners to cooperation, the control of results and conduction of research activities.
Therefore, the educational content of the Master's course in "Physical Education" should be focused on managerial duties related to the process of introducing people with PCS activities in all its diversity. The PCS activities represent a specific kind of human relations (in a social group or in society in general) the subject of which is physical activity of people, accompanied with mental and physical stress. So, the responsibility for the preservation of his health lies with not only the person (athlete) himself. A master should contribute to the success of people under his supervision in motor activity and, at the same time, prevent adverse changes in their physical and (or) mental health.
Such a category of participants of PCS activities as sports fans deserves special attention. Some sports have enormous number of fans, who attend every performance of their favorite athletes. Many fans behave themselves inappropriately due to their strong emotions. So, a master who accompanies sports performances should be able to prevent the excesses from the fans. Generally speaking, some systematic work with fans would be very useful. Therefore, fans' behavior management should become a socially significant duty of the masters during their work in the sphere of physical culture and sport.
So, social experience on the psychology of relationships of people involved in PCS activities and on the management of relevant social phenomena should also be included in the educational content of the Master's course. Student's knowledge on these aspects of social relations could form the basis for the development of skills necessary for his future professional activity. One of such skills is the ability to solve situational problems that is the search of the variants of hypothetical management of PCS activities in the appropriate situations. It is useful for the development of the skill of management of PCS activities.
The implementation of professional competences in the management of PCS activities is inextricably linked to pedagogical powers. A master aims to train and educate athletes with the focus on practical examples. The management of PCS activities involves organization of motor activity, teaching of individual elements and (or) their combinations and teaching of techniques and methods of their implementation. The aesthetics and ethics of relations are also important. As a subject of management a master should encourage athletes to respect the generally accepted norms and rules of relations with partners.
Hence, it is desirable to include the management of physical education in the content of the Master's course in "Physical Education" as an aspect of management of PCS activities of people. This aspect of management of PCS activities features the acquisition of the elements of the theory and methods of introduction of people to PCS activities. It is important to introduce athletes into the legal basis of integrated EPs which combine PCS activities with the accompanying elements of physical education, and to foster the development of skills of EP design.
Being the subjects of management of PCS activities masters in "Physical Education" should learn the methods of organization of the process of design of integrated EPs in collaboration with the partners. To do this, the content of EPs of the Master's course should include effective procedural aspects for the development of skills to collaborate with partners in the simulation of design of integrated EPs [1]. An important prerequisite for the design of integrated EPs is the information about its users, which defines basic parameters of the project of educational process.
This information can be obtained as a result of research of, so to speak, managed object. Therefore, the design of integrated EPs should be accompanied with the research on the status of important parameters of the managed object and conditions of EP implementation in the educational process. The research should be based on the recognized scientific methods. The research activities should become an integral part of the educational content of the Master's course.
Conclusions. The development of skills to organize the design and subsequent implementation of integrated EPs related to PCS activities should be combined with systematic studies of changes in the managed object. At the stage of design, the object of study is the degree of fulfillment of the requirements and directives of a developed project. At the stage of implementation, it is the changes in the status of users resulted from their training on the integrated EP. The students should know how to obtain and analyze relevant information and study the changes in the status of a managed object. In addition, they should learn how to use these data whilst managing PCS activities.
A master is supposed to specialize in a particular PCS activity and his study in the Master's course should be focused on the interpretation of managerial powers in corresponding PCS activities. In other words, it is important to create pedagogical conditions for the students so they can learn about the management of PCS activities, physical education and the study of the status of a managed object within a specific type of PCS activity. This fully applies to the development of skills to organize the design and implementation of integrated EPs in the relevant PCS activities and to manage these activities.
The Master's course should include a special section dedicated to management and we suggest naming it "Management of PCS activities in the chosen sport". This will contribute to the regulation of professional education in the field of physical culture regarding the use of competences in the sphere of PCS. On this basis, it is possible to create a system of fundamental education that will help future teachers and researchers solve the problems in the sphere of PCS.
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