On development of qualities and formation of motor skills and abilities of adolescents
D.A. Ul’yanov
Professor, Dr.Hab. T.G. Kovalenko
Associate professor, Ph.D. A.A. Popkov
1Volgograd State University, Volgograd
The development of physical abilities and teaching motor actions are a single process of physical education of adolescents.
The relationship of physical abilities is an important problem in the theory and methodology of physical education of the rising generation.
Physical culture and sports activity activates functions of organs and systems, increases motor capacities of young people, and speed abilities are developed well in the teen age.
The purpose of the present study was to provide a theoretical analysis of means of development of physical qualities and formation of motor skills and abilities of adolescents.
Currently, pupil’s physical activity is decreasing sharply, so changes should be made to school curricula that do not meet modern requirements any more. We should take into account the extensive experience gained in the development of the last training curricula that will help determine the direction of effective training of pupils.
Keywords: physical culture, physical development, speed abilities, motor actions, educational process.
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