Burning issues of physical culture education of schoolchildren
Professor, Dr.Biol. V.S. Belyaev1
Associate professor, Ph.D. A.S. Lopukhina2
1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
2Vologda State University, Vologda
The factors of the current level of physical and theoretical skills of students of institutions of general education, highlighting the problematic situation of physical education of schoolchildren, are considered. The problem situation is studied due to the new conceptual approach to the modernization of Russian education, including education on the subject «Physical Education». Teachers - scientists in the field of education are looking for the most effective ways of improving the quality of physical culture education of schoolchildren through the timely determination of effectiveness of external and internal factors that could change the content of the conventional educational process. Identification of current problems in the educational process of schoolchildren on the subject «Physical Education», confirming the low level of physical and theoretical preparedness, will contribute to timely determination of the next actions in the educational practice of classes on the given subject that form pupils’ life value orientations to get their physical culture education.
Keywords: physical culture education, physical fitness, theoretical skills.
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